What we normally check for in the Database Testing?

In DB testing we need to check for,

1. The field size validation
2. Check constraints.
3. Indexes are done or not (for performance related issues)
4. Stored procedures
5. The field size defined in the application is matching with that in the db.

Showing Answers 1 - 22 of 22 Answers


  • Jul 12th, 2005

In DB Testing, basically all the events like Add, Delete, Update, Modify etc...

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Phani Kumar

  • Jul 26th, 2005

How to test Stored Procedures? send me Immediately

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  • Jul 31st, 2005

what r the documents supported for integration testing?

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  • Aug 22nd, 2005

How to test Stored Procedures?

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Anand Kulkarni

  • Aug 22nd, 2005

Database testing involves some indepth knowledge of the given application and requires more defined plan of approach to test the data. Key issues include : 
1) data Integrity 
2) data validity 
3) data manipulation and updates. 
Tester must be aware of the database design concepts and implementation rules


  • Oct 17th, 2005

how can i test the stored procs. anyone? thanx


  • Jul 4th, 2006

 Hi all,

  1) Display and change stored procedure variables.

  2) Stop execution at any point.

  3) Alter Program logic.

Correct me if i am wrong.



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can you mention steps taken by a tester to test stored procedures..starting from connecting to database and so on..To make it easier to understand how to start tesing SP and Triggers.


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Aruna Kumar G

  • Aug 17th, 2006

Normally we check whether data would be saved properly in data base and retriving data from the data base.

That will be normally check for in the Data Base

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  • Apr 10th, 2007

Stored procedure is nothing but a collection of different queries,

this stored procedure is used to make the execution more easy instead of calling the query every time you can call the stored procedure directly by using its name.

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Babu Reddy

  • May 2nd, 2007

1.To validate the Front end  data which is displaying is same as the Back end Data.
2.To Validate the extraction processes (nightly or scheduled), whether the correct data is comming in to our project Tables.

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We test Stored Procedure code is to call the procedure for the different combinations of input parameters so that it will behave as expected.
The second is to use the command window as a client, and call the procedures from there. This re-routes the server's error messages to the command line, where you can trap them to a file and read them outside Query Analyzer.

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Based on the testcases written for the module, we have to cover the UI testing,
Whichever modules we are testing, our main focus should be on database.

1) What are tables affected?

2) From where the data is being retrieved and displayed on the UI and is it correct?

3) Above all we should know how to connect to the database? ability to write simple queries to retrieve data and manipulate the data using DML operations. Functional flow should be very well known!

4) Good knowledge on table level, column level constraints, ability to understand and execute complex queries related to joins is added advantage.


  • Sep 6th, 2009

In my experience , I have done the followign test activities as part of databaes application

*Data Integrity: Whether relationship between tables (as defined while designing tables) are getting respected after different equievalence classes of data.

*Data Validity: Whether data type/size validations are happening. Check,UNIQUE,PRIMARY KEY constraints are satisfied with different equievalence classes of data.

*Execution of stored procedures / Triggers: Testing whether data which arrived in database are getting processed under pre-defined/user-defined SQL stored procedures and triggers and proper Insert/update/delete operations are getting done.

*Checking daily job status: Whether daily jobs are getting done at pre-specified time (for e.g everyday morning 3:00 a.m USP_PROCESSDATA stored procedure is getting executed.

*Performance testing: Checking the impact of cluster and recommendation on 'which queries / stored procedures are taking more time to get executed'.

*Connectivity testing: Checking the connectivity between database and presentation layer.

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