What is join and explain about types of joins?

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  • May 30th, 2006

we can join two tables by primary and forienkeys of both tables in sql statements, you can also specify the field to be displayed in ur join from two tables,

suppose we have two tables

emp, dept

emp: emp-no, emp- name, emp- sal,dept-no

dept: dept-no, dept-loc,dept-strength

no we can join these tables by using sql statement

select emp-no, emp-name,emp-sal, dept-no,dept loc,dept- strength from emp, dept where emp.dept-no == dept.dept-no


  • Jun 12th, 2006

The SQL JOIN statement is used to combine the data contained in two relational database tables based upon a common attribute.

Basically there are two types of Joins

1. Inner Join

An inner join is a join that selects only those records from both database tables that have matching values. Records with values in the joined field that do not appear in both of the database tables will be excluded from the query. One or more fields can serve as the join fields.

2. Outer Join

Outer Join has 2 types furthure.

2a. Right Outer Join : 2b. Left Outer Join

An outer join selects all of the records from one database table and only those records in the second table that have matching values in the joined field. In a left outer join, the selected records will include all of the records in the first database table. In a right outer join, the selected records will include all records of the second database table. One or more fields can serve as the join fields.


  • Oct 4th, 2006

Joins are the function by which you can combine two or more tables to get the desired records, types of joins are:

Self-join, natural join, right outer join, left outer join, equijoin, non-equijoin etc.


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  • Oct 30th, 2006

presenting data from more than 1 table is called join .

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Dr. Shivaji

  • Nov 9th, 2006

In Joints we have so may pains encounter during the old age. This is due to lack of calcuim and phosphorus. There are losts of medicines available to recover from join pains.

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  • Nov 9th, 2006

joint means nothing bot to join the two tables,

these r 3 types,

inner,self and outer joins.

suppose if we want emp1 details from 1 table  and emp2 details from other table in this we can use join......k

if u have any doubts send to :chinnu.sep14@gmail.com

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hari krishna

  • Mar 15th, 2007

Actually it is not a joint? It is join?

Joins are used to retrieve data from multiple tables.There are 3 types of joins
a)Inner Join b)Outer Join  c) Cross Join
a)Inner Join is the default type of join,Result set contains only matched rows.
b)Outer Join: We have 3 types of outer join .They are
1)Left Outer Join: Result set contains all rows from the left table  and matched rows from the right table
2)Right Outer Join:Result set contains all rows from the right table and matched rows from the left table
3)Full Outer Join: Result set contains  all rows from left table as well as rows from the right table.
c)Cross Join: A join without any condition,every row in first table joined with every row in 2nd table.This join is also called as cartesian join

Anurag singh

  • Mar 23rd, 2007

Join is basically used to join tables by means  of primary key and foreign key. After joining tables, we can retrive data from multiple tables by firing single query. Join are of various types.
a) equi join
b) cartesion product
c) outer join

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Rajnish Jha

  • Jan 12th, 2012

Join: We can display data from two or more than two table using Join.

There are 4 Types of Join-
1) Natural Join
2) Inner Join
3) Outer Join
4) Cross Join

Outer Join is further divide into two types-
1) Left outer join
2) Right Outer Join

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