Why paging? What is virtual memory? Wwhat is virtual address space?

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  • Feb 23rd, 2006

Paging is a memory management technique used by operating system.

in it complete memory is divided into logical blocks of equal size.whenever any page is required o/s search for that page in memory,if it dont find than a trap is generated known as Page fault and this new page get loaded in RAM from secondary memory.

virtual memory is also memory management techniuqe generaly deployed when

a computer is not having enough(large)RAM for a large program to be kept in memory, but as we know for fast and sucessful execution of prgram ,it is reqired to be present in memory and our problem is of less RAM

thus virtual memory  provide solution to this problem

virtual memory provides mapping technique for Mapping program generated RAM address to acutal physical address of secndary Memory, at run time .it provde illusion as if our RAM is large enough to hOLd comlete progam.

it is gernealy used in graphic orinted  progams and applications.

                                             ABHISHEK TRIATHI

                                             M.C.A , mlsu ,udaipur (raj)

                                   email- abhipounty@yahoo.co.in

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  • Feb 25th, 2006

Hi ,

Paging is a memory management technique , it allows os to access data from physical memory in random order , and virtual memory is memory like temporary storage , when u want to retrieve data from your hard disk that time it will come to store in your virtual memore , until the system is turn off , after your completion of work when close that application , it will store in your temproray memory means virtual memory not in original location , and again if u want to access that same application it will be retrieve from your virtual memory not from main memory.




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Navneet Kumar

  • Feb 27th, 2006

Vartual Memory is a memory management technique which is divides into two parts.

1)Segment:-In this virtual memory is divided into unequal parts.as per the process requirement.

2)paging:-Paging is memory managemnt technique where memory divided into equal parts like 4k,4k,4k-----etc.When Primary memory space is less than processor swap the virtual memory from Secondary memory that time if virtyal memory configured into paging technique than only page will be swap as per requirement similarly if if need more virtual space than simila space of 4k bloac will swap.for the e.g:-if there is need of 16kb data than 4pages will be swap like 4k,4k,4k,4k.

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  • May 11th, 2006

pagging is required because operating system can not load all the portions of file in ram when it is loaded in multitasking systems.

it keeps some portion of the files in ram in corresponding frame. the it starts executions. in between whenever the page currently not in the ram is required it is loaded in the corresponding frame in ram. different algorithms are implemented for this purpose.

virtual memory is a part of hard disk which is reserved to be used as ram in multitasking system.

the set of memory space reserved in hard disk whcih is mapped with ram is called virtual memory.

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  • Nov 16th, 2006

I Think Navneet Kumar's answer is the best.



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  • Feb 27th, 2007

hi think Demand paging and Demand segmentation are used to implement Virtual memory............paging and segmentation are the techniques of memory management............

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