Give an example for High severity and Low Priority ?

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  • Member Since Jan-2006 | Jan 9th, 2006

1]High Severity And Low Priority----If  there is an application , if that application crashes after mulple use of any functionality (exa--save Button use 200 times then that application will crash)

Means High Severity because application chrashed but Low Priority because no need to debug right now you can debug it after some days.

2]High Priority And Low Severity---- If any Web site say "Yahoo" now if the logo of site "Yahoo" spell s "Yho"  ----Than Priority is high but severity is low.

Because it effect the name of site so important to do quick ---Priority

but it is not going to crash because of spell chage so severity low.

Amit Hambarde

Showing Answers 1 - 51 of 51 Answers


  • Oct 20th, 2005


      Pls send me this answer.



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  • Oct 21st, 2005

Hi All

Pls find the answer

High seviority and low priority.

When the application has critical problem and it has to be solved after a month then we can say it as high seviority and  low priority.

low seviority and high priority

When the application has trivial problem ie (less affected)  and it has to be solved within a day then we can say it as low seviority and high priority


  • Dec 13th, 2005

High severity and low priority (eg) wrong order of functionalities.High prority and low severity (eg). spelling mistakes.


  • Dec 16th, 2005

correctness(high severity)

dependent outputs are wrong(high priority)

final output wrong(low priority)

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Koneru D.

  • Dec 23rd, 2005

Following is an example for high severity and low priority:

   High severity: Affecting end user

   Low priority: Typos  

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Amit Chhabra

  • Dec 26th, 2005

High Priority Low Severity Bug:-

Home Page in web application has misspelled client name and found at the time of delivering the product.

Low priority High Severity Bug:-

Crash in some any module that is too be delivered later.

1]High Severity And Low Priority----If  there is an application , if that application crashes after mulple use of any functionality (exa--save Button use 200 times then that application will crash)

Means High Severity because application chrashed but Low Priority because no need to debug right now you can debug it after some days.

2]High Priority And Low Severity---- If any Web site say "Yahoo" now if the logo of site "Yahoo" spell s "Yho"  ----Than Priority is high but severity is low.

Because it effect the name of site so important to do quick ---Priority

but it is not going to crash because of spell chage so severity low.

Amit Hambarde


  • Mar 1st, 2006

High Severity and Low Priority:All Functional errors come under this questionHigh Priority and Low SeverityAll GUI related errors come under this question, For eg.. Logo of any company

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  • Mar 28th, 2006

if u are able to launch an application 100 time, but after that appliation gets crashed or any other defects arise like 'Data Lose, data carsh, etc..'  the Severity will be high always, as it affacts the application functionality and priority will be decided low, beacuse till 100 time application is working perfectly.


  • Apr 17th, 2006


  can u describe eaborately about the question.

Q:- high severity & low priority

Q:- high priority & low severity...

waiting for ur mail




swapna k

  • Apr 21st, 2006


Severity & Priority is mainly given to bugs. For example:


1.low level bug  (Low severity)                                                           

(its nothing but a cosmatics bug                                      

i.e if u consider some login window if their                      

is any spelling mistake or color change

eg:expected is Login(window name) and

gray (window color ) but actual is Logeen and red.)


so the above bug can be cleared immediately or before product is delivered.

so this can be given either high priority or lowest priority. (5th or 1st priority)


2.Medium level bug(i.e nothing but mismatches eg:if ur expecting the output of ur application to be software but ur getting as SOFTWARE,then its a bug)


This kind of bug can be cleared within a this can be as low priority        (4th priority )


3.High level bug(i.e unexpected error or result eg:after login into yahoomail i.e after giving user id & password n if u click ok n if ur getting some error,then its a bug)


This can be given 3rd priority.This kind of bug can be cleared within 2 or 3 days


4.Very high level bug (i.e whenever a module is crashed eg:In yahoomail if login window is not working atall,then its a bug)


This can be given 2nd priority.Bugs has to be cleared within a day.


5.Urgent/show stopper.(i.e whenever the application is crashed eg:if yahoo application is crashed)


This is given 1st priority.High priority.Bugs has to be cleared within 2-3 hrs

(because without application we cant proceed further)

So High severity  is given whenever application is crashed and Low Priority is given whenever low level bug is found.

So High Priority is whenever application is crashed and Low severity whenever low level bug is found

[Rem: Severity is given by TESTERS and Priority is given DEVELOPERS]

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  • Apr 25th, 2006

Hi swapna, please send me How to test the functionality testing . you any important document in testing please sent me .actually i am searching job in s/w testingthis ma\y mail ID:

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Ashish Thapliyal

  • Sep 16th, 2006

Thanx for clearing my doubt, actually i was asked this question recently in an interview but i cud not answer.. but now i m clear with it...

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Anand Somani

  • Dec 19th, 2006

Defect severity determines the defect criticality whereas defect priority determines the defect immediacy or urgency of repair


1. High Severity & Low Priority : Suppose there is an application which generates some banking related reports weekly, monthly, quarterly & yearly by doing some calculations. In this application, there is a fault while calculating yearly report. This is a high severity fault but low priority because this fault can be fixed in the next release as a change request.


2. Low Severity & High Priority : Suppose there is a spelling mistake or content issue on the homepage of website which has daily laks of hits all over UK. In this case, though this fault is not affecting the website or other functionalities but considering the status and popularity of the website in the competitive market it is a high priority fault.


3. High Severity & High Priority : Suppose there is an application which gives some banking related reports weekly, monthly, quarterly & yearly by doing some calculations. In this application, there is a fault while calculating weekly report. This is a high severity and high priority fault because this fault will hamper the functionality of the application immediately within a week. It should be fixed urgently.


4. Low Severity & Low Priority : Suppose there is a spelling mistake on the pages which has very less hits throughout the month on any website. This fault can be considered as low severity and low priority.

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  • Mar 15th, 2007

its not an example .. its just a defination

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Qa Tester India

  • Mar 30th, 2007

Normally An issue with High Severity will not be assigned a Low priority.. Coz We will assign High severity to an issue which is affecting Functionality or Application Crashes, so when the Issue is that Major It Cannot be assigned a Low Priority It must be High or Medium...
Please let me know ur comments...

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naresh kumar

  • Apr 27th, 2007

when a project required hardware device is not activated then we give high severity and high priority. if customer wanted other devices are not supported then we give high severity and low priority . 

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  • Oct 19th, 2007

Severity Deals with impact, Priority Deals with Time for e.g if logo of website is missing  but you find it during initial stage of testing it will be high severity but low priority, but if the same deffect you find at the time of delivering the product it will be high priority and high severity.

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  • Sep 24th, 2008


Severity :-It can be defined as impact of defect on the application that means how bad the defect is. it can be 'Minor',Major' and 'Critical'

Priority :- It  can be defined as how long it will take to fix this issue.'Low','Medium' and 'High'.


Low Severity and High Priority:- Suppose you are testing web site of any reputed company which is going to be hosted soon and the company name itself is wrong in the application then this is cosmetic defect but its severity is low becoz its not gonna affect the application but priority is high means developer has to fix this defect as soon as possible.

High Severity and Low Priority :- Suppose you are testing a application where you find that a piece of the functionality is not working properly  but its   afftecting the application functionality but it can be skipped at the moment and can be resoved before the relaese so this defect comes under High Severity  and Low Prioirity.

Thanks and Regards
Pankaj Sharma


  • Nov 18th, 2009

High Severity, Low Priority Example:  
For an Insurance application, the descripion of an accident is too  short, thereby causing truncation errors when printed on report.  This report is not  referenced for claims under $20,000.00.
High Severity because you need to describe completely on report the accident.  Since it is stored correctly in the database, the report can be corrected later not ASAP.  

Low Priority - since it is not a show stopper.  If anybody wants to look at the description of accident, it can still be retrieved because the data is corectly stored in the database.  It can be fixed later.

Example:   A screen functionality displaying a field called "6-Month Percentage (%) Loss" showing values of 12500% which should be 12.500% .  This is a 6-month analysis figure

High priority since you need to display the accurate percentage.
Low Severity -  it is a report displayed after every six months.  

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High priority and high severity:  The application crashes whenever a person attempts to submit valid input on the registration page.

High priority and low severity:  The content entered in the Terms of Use are not correct and could potentially have legal consequences.

High severity and low priority:  The application crashes whenever a person enters 1500+ chars in a phone number text box that should accept no more than 15 chars.

Low severity and low priority:  There is a slight misspelling on one of the FAQ pages.

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  • Mar 10th, 2010

1. High Priority and High Severity:
You are having mobile. You are opening games try to play. Always when you open a game, mobile restarts or switched off. This is annoyable to the user.  This is High Priority and High Severity.

2. High Priority and Low Severity:
You are having Mobile "Nokia" it is written as "NOKEA". It will not affect the user but need to fix it asap. Because it is a product Name.

3. Low Priority and High Severity:
Taking picture through camera rarely it crashes.

4. Low severity and Low priority:
Some Effect settings "Sepian or GreyScale" or Resolution Size is misspelled. 

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Think about any search engine.  If we enter 100 charecters of a letter to search. Suppose It does not support 100 charecters and this engine starts crashing. One thing we have to notice that very less people will do like this type of activities. So this is a Low Priority and the defect is very high, So this is a High Severity. So this type of BUG is HIGH severity an LOW Priority.

Chittaranjan Routaray.

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  • Apr 16th, 2010

Example for alpha release i.e these are applicable before releasing the build to tester

LS – Mail over confirmation of booking a yacht not received for new registration but received for already registered members
HP – This bug has to be fixed by next release as confirmation mail over booking an yacht should be sent to previous and newly registered members

HS –  Mail containing confirmation of booking of yacht  received but purchaser name doesn’t appear as a link at top
LP –  Purchaser name is to appear as a link at the top which on clicking would generate an invoice. Several calculations are to appear in the invoice and these are done in later releases

HS – Show stopper
HP – Bug must be fixed ASAP as it is blocking further progress

LS – Spell check
LP – Can be fixed in later release

Example for beta release i.e these are applicable before client release

LS – Pop up keeps appearing every 3 minutes but it doesn’t affect navigation
HP – As this would irritate customer, it is given HP

HS – On not performing any activity on the application for 10 hours, it fails to respond
LP – As this is unlikely it is given low priority

HS – Show stopper

LS – Name of the registered member doesn’t appear with capital letter

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Think about the Google Search Engine.  Suppose one guy want to enter 100 numbers of charecter into the search engine and the engine started crashing.  It is high seviority because the google application started crashing on entering 100 numbers of charecter but it is a low priority because less number of people will enter 100 numbers of charecter.


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Spelling mistakes which is cosmetic and it is low priority as well as it is high severity because directly or indirectly effects the admin site.

There is button to submit but there is a typo that is button is labelled with back. Functionality works but there is a typo. This can be low priority and high severity

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1. High Seviority and Low Proirity
Think about google search engine. Upon entering 100 charecters of letters into the search engine the application starts crashing.  It is a high seviority and low priority bug cause application crash is a high seviority and a less number of people will enter 100 charecters, so it is a low priority.

2.High Priority and low seviority

Think about a login Screen Instead of Login Button the name of Button id Reset and the functionality of Button is equal to login.  Here the END USER may be confuse to login. he/she will search the login Button to login.  The application work fine but spelling mistake make problem.  So this is the High Priority and Low Seviority Bug.


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  • Jan 17th, 2011

High Severity and Low Priority:

A new application is designed and ready to be tested and the testers found that the system is getting crashed only when more than 1000 users are using that application at the same time. But this problem is not hindering their testing process.

So,I assume that this can be an example of High Severity and Low Priority as the defect is a severe one from business or functional perspective but the developer can concentrate on other major defects and solve this issue later.

High Priority and Low severity:

An application's LOGO or icon is not properly spelt.
Then this is not a big functional error but it should be fixed on priority.

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  • Jan 17th, 2011

This is a typical question that most of us have or will face during interviews at any esteemed organisation.

High Priority Low Severity implies that the raised defect needs to be fixed asap, however it does not block the testing of the build as a whole. A simple eexample could be the logo displayed in the application should be as is in BRD  and not that of any other competitor. It needs to be fixed with high priority , however it does not affect testing process from continuing.

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I will give a real time example before that what is severity and priority:

              Severity is nothing but how important this bug to tester,developer and the product.
              Or we can say how important this but with regarding to the functionality of the product.

Priority:   How bad this bug to the customer.

High severity and low priority:

For Examples: "you are in ATM center, you just inserted the card and clicked for type of transaction and in the final stage once you click "the need of receipt" button suddenly a some coding appeared on the screen"-this is the scenario.

As per the customer is concern he done almost the transaction successfully so he did not bother about the code appearance and all. he will just collect the receipt and go.

BUT as per the developer is concern it is a bigger issue since program code is visible to the customer so here severity is high and priority is low.

High priority and Low severity:

For Example: " I have developed a product for google and i gave it to the google  but that problem here is i mistakenly done a spelling mistake in google logos that's for GOOGLE i typed GOGGLE"- this is the scenario

Here as per the developer is concern the product is working well as per the requirement.

But as per the Customer is concern the brand name itself is wrong and it is a major issue for him and it will even affect his brand name

so here Priority is high and severity is Low.

i may be wrong so feel free to point out the mistakes.

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High severity & low priority----For Eg In yahoo Login page Username field accepts max 30 characters this is the Req.
       Defect is : when we are trying to enter 20th character in UN field application closes.
Here we are facing functionality issue.

High priority& Low severity----After Registering into yahoo application we are not getting any confirmation msg like "Your mailid is created successfully".
Here there is no functionality issue means back end  is working properly but we are not getting any MSG.

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High Severity and Low Priority Bugs
- Issue supposes to be caused for Leap Year or Year end.
Low Severity and High Priority Bugs
- Issue such Spelling mistake on GUI Main Screen

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  • Aug 30th, 2012

-> First of all make the clear understanding of severity and the priority of a bug.

Severity:- How badly bug is effecting the functionality of an Application.
Priority:- How quick we need to resolve the bug.

So based on the above definition:
High Severity and low priority:- Multiple click on the Save causes the crash of the application.
Low Severity High Priority:- A spell mistake in a company logo or slogan under logo.
High Priority High Severity:- Application which user is not able to work on any how.
Low priority Low Severity:- Font size is not matching on the website.

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