What is the difference between usecase and test case

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  • Oct 10th, 2005

A usecase is a:

A highlevel scenario where you specify the functionality of the application from a business perspective.

Whereas a testcase is:

The implementation of the highlevel scenario(usecase) wherein one gives detailed and step-by-step account of procedures to test a particular functionality of the application. Things get lot technical here.


  • Nov 29th, 2005


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  • Apr 18th, 2006

A usecase describes that how a user use specific functionality in our application.

 A test case describes that a test condition to apply on that application to validate.


  • Aug 3rd, 2006

Use Cases are used to specify the required functionality of an Object-Oriented system. Test cases that are derived from use cases take advantage of the existing specification to ensure good functional test coverage of the system.


  • Mar 31st, 2007

Use Case are the various scenario, which are written on the basis of customer requirements.

Whereas Test Case are the documented steps, which are written on the basis of use cases.

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  • Apr 15th, 2007

A use case describes an entire flow of intercation that the user has with the system/application for e.g. a user logging into the system and searching for a flight, booking it and then logging out is a use case. There are multiple ways a user can interact with a system, and they all map to positive/ negative use cases.

Test cases are written on the basis of use cases. The test cases check if the various functionalities  that the user uses to interact with the system is working fine or not.

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    we can prepare test cases based on use cases.use cases are more elaberative  and  understandable than functional and system specifications.
   Generally use cases based test case design method is referrable to out sourcing company. 

test case is a test condition to validate functionality interms of correctness and completeness.


  • May 18th, 2007

I would like to add a point regarding use case and test case
For every use case we can generate atleast two test cases. One is the for the successful execution of test case and another for the unsuccessful execution of the test case. There should be one to one relationship between use case and a test case

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use case is a technique for capturing functional requirements of systems and systems-of-system. Each use case provides one or more scenerios that convey how the system should interact with the users called actors to achieve a specific business goal or function.

test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine if a requirement or use case upon an application is partially or fully satisfied.

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Ravi Kanth

  • Jun 25th, 2007

Usecase: It is a set of sequence of steps which discribes how a user interacts with the system.

TestCase: Set of test inputs, execution and expected results developed for an application, to check whether it meets the requirement specifications or not.

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  • Aug 6th, 2007

A usecase is document which is written from BRS. It is prepared by the business analyst and project manager. It describe how the system should from starting to the end. How the system should be when the customer uses.
Whereas testcase are prepared from SRS. Testcases are written by the tester. Testcase specifies the functionality or behaviour of a application.

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  • Sep 2nd, 2007

UCD is the originator of test case doccument. First customer gives the information to Business analist. In understanding this doccument there may be a chance of getting ambicuty, so to avoid this BA converts that info in to user actions & system responces according to the requirements. Using that info we prepare test cases to check weather the requirements are justified or not.

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  • Sep 5th, 2007

Usecase describe what exactly function should perform
Where as test case should describe to perform particular function what type of steps we have to follow.

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  • Oct 4th, 2007

Usecase is pictorial view of functional flow to achieve the functionality using some pre&Post conditions

Testcase means it is a input condition for a particular feature

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  • Oct 15th, 2007

Usecase designed before the project start.

Testcase contains testdata.

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  • Oct 16th, 2007

requirements are represented in terms of use cases, which map to the business scenario and are governed by the business rules.

test cases are how test scenarios have to be tested. these are kind of step by step instructions of achiving a test scenario in the application scope.

usescases and test scenarios have many to many relationship where in one usecases can be tested by different test scenarios and one test scenario can test multiple uses saces.


  • Oct 17th, 2007

Use Case document describe the User's action and the System's response.
Test Case document describe the expected behaviour of the Application/System after User's different actions on the application with step by step.

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  • Oct 27th, 2007

Use case shows interaction between user and system, and each use case has precondition, which need to met for use case to work successfully.
where as test is set of input value,, excecution precondition,expected result and execution post condition.

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  • Oct 30th, 2007

usecase--pictorial representation of the requirements


      interaction between actor and the system
testcase--a unique statement which gives the completeness and correctness of a given functionality.

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  • Nov 12th, 2007

 Use Case:- We can prepare Test cases based on Use cases. Use cases are more elaberative  and  understandable than functional and system specifications.There are 3 flows in a Use Case document.
1. General Flow.
2. Alternative Flow.
3. Exceptional Flow.

Test Case :- Test case is nothing but a condition that contains steps to check whether the Expected Result met the Actual result or not.

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  • Nov 12th, 2007

The basic difference between Use Case and Test Case is that:

USE-CASES facilitates the users in understanding the usability of the application.
TEST-CASES facilitates in testing various features of the application if they are fit to be used.

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  • May 19th, 2008

Hi all

Use Case: It is prepared by Business analyst in the Functional Requirement Specification(FRS), which are nothing but a steps which are given by the customer.

Test cases: It is prepared by test engineer based on the use cases from FRS to check the functionality of an application thoroughly



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  • Sep 21st, 2008

The main difference is, by analysing use case TE will get knowledge on how Actor do action on system and how system responds to his action.

TC doc: by analysing the use case and business rules the TE will prepare the Test case.

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  • Jan 5th, 2009

A use case is the functionality defined in a system, and a test case is a sequence of test inputs and expected outputs for the functionality.

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Use cases describe the system from the user's point of view

A test case in software engineering is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether an application or software system is working correctly or not.

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Gyanesh Gupta

  • Oct 13th, 2014

Test Case: A software test case is a set of steps and expected results used to test an application. It is created from the software requirements. Well-written test cases can make the testing cycle smooth and efficient. It is imperative to write clear, understandable test cases that can be run against new functionality and regression testing, as well. A good test case is easy to run, consistent in the time it takes to run, and it is easy to maintain.

Use Case: In software engineering, a use case is a technique for capturing the potential requirements of a new system or software change. Each use case provides one or more scenarios that convey how the system should interact with the end user or another system to achieve a specific business goal. Use cases typically avoid technical jargon, preferring instead the language of the end user or domain expert.

Use cases are often co-authored by Business Analysts and end users.

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