How you used whitebox and block box technologies in your application?How did you use thos in page and sever base applications...

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  • Mar 23rd, 2006


As per what i know the main aim of tester is to do only black box testing

and  white box testing will take in the development environiment at a time tester he/she can not go for both

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  • Aug 10th, 2007

By writing tescase to application we will test block box testing,By Debuging code we will test white box testing

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sandeep kumar

  • Sep 29th, 2007

In Testing Two Types Techniques 1 White box testing 2 Black box testing
1 white box testing it is developer environment bcoz they are testint the apllication with respect to code i e syntax error, variable mismatch etc
2 Black box testing execute the application with respect to functionality of the product

White Box Testing:
Unit Testing is otherwise referred to as White Box testing. This is done by the developers where the internal structure of codes developed for a module or an entire functionality is tested.

Black Box Testing:
Functional Testing is otherwise referred to as Black Box testing. This is done by the testers where the functionality of the application is tested for the expected result.

The reason that they have been termed with these terminologies is

1. Since developers only have the access to the internal structure of the code it is called as White Box.
2. Since testers do not have the access it is termed as Black Box.

Please correct me if am wrong.


  • Oct 20th, 2010

White box testing is testing the application by looking into the code. That
is to do white box testing the tester should know the details of the code,
internal working of the system.

Usually developers do white box testing.

Unit testing is a white box testing because here the developers make sure that
the code is working as per the requirement.

In black box testing the tester should not know the internal working of the
system. He should know only the expected out put. functional testing is a black
box testing.

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