What is Test Methodology?

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  • Oct 14th, 2005

Test Methodoly is nothing but the refinement of the Test Strategy. ie., We filter the number of columns in TRM prepared in Test Strategy. This is done based on the project type and the type of the appliaction we are testing.

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  • Oct 15th, 2005

praveen Wrote: Test Methodoly is nothing but the refinement of the Test Strategy. ie., We filter the number of columns in TRM prepared in Test Strategy. This is done based on the project type and the type of the appliaction we are testing.

Dear Praveen,

What is the meaning of TRM, Please Explain ???

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  • Dec 13th, 2005

TRM specifies test responsibility matrix which is defined as a mapping between development stages and testing issues.

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  • Dec 13th, 2005

TRM specifies test responsibility matrix which is defined as a mapping between development stages and testing issues.


  • Jan 6th, 2006

Create Test strategy


Create testplan/testcase


Execute test case

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  • Jun 17th, 2006

Test Methodology is Overall Application Programming.(i.e) To Check the Application Program works without bugs. To check whether the Application Programs work properly or not use by our testcases.

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Test methodology mean the different methods carried into order to test an application. The following are the test methodologies followed in Testing an Application or a product

Black - Box Testing
In using this strategy, the tester views the program as a black - box, tester doesn't see the code of the program: Equivalence partitioning, Boundary - value analysis, Error guessing.

White - Box Testing
In using this strategy, the tester examine the internal structure of the program: Statement coverage, Decision coverage, condition coverage, Decision/Condition coverage, Multiple - condition coverage.

Gray - Box Testing
In using this strategy Black box testing can be combine with knowledge of database validation, such as SQL for database query and adding/loading data sets to confirm functions, as well as query the database to confirm expected result.

Test Script
Type of test file. It is a set of instructions run automatically by a software or hardware test tool.

A collection of test cases or scripts.

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  • Jun 7th, 2007

Test Methodology in testing we have to test  like
Black box vs White box
Static vs Dyamic
Manual testing vs Automation Testing

All these methods of test.

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  • Jun 12th, 2007

Specify the entire testing process from accepting the project to complete delivery of the project with all details of all phases from Initiation, Design, Execution, and Analysis to Reporting

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  • Jun 18th, 2007

Test Methodology:
Test Methodology is up to the End User. It can be used, reused, and molded as per the Client Needs.

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  • Aug 6th, 2007

Test methodology is a project level document. It will have when to start testing, budget for the testing, how many testers are required when to release and date also. Everything regarding testing.

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  • Sep 2nd, 2007

Test methodology in testing means what type of test we need to test the application i.e whether Black box, White box etc.

These Black box testing, White box testing, Regression testing etc etc are itself called Testing Methodologies. 

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  • Oct 3rd, 2007

1) Static : A form of verification that dosen't require to test the software, eg. - Model checking
2) Dynamic Testing: A form of verification that require to test the software, eg. - Model executing
3) Black Box Testing: The test case based on specification, we can't look in side the code
4) White Box Testing: The test case based on specification, we can look in side the code
5) Gray Box Testing: It is a mixture of Black box and White box testing.

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  • Jul 10th, 2008

   It means what kind of approach is following while testing.
Company to company or project wise is varying for testing approach, we can tell shortly as model.
Ex: V-model, waterfall model,spiral model...etc.

How testing is initiated and ending towards the process

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  • Feb 24th, 2012

Test Methodology is a way in which different types of methods are describe in order to test an application.

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Testing Methodology consists of methods which we are going to follow to test our application. Methods should be chosen which best suits our application. Methods can be chosen basing upon:
1) Type of Model which we applied in our project
2) Requirement of our project
3) Resources available
4) Time constraint

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  • Mar 6th, 2012

There are numerous methodologies available for developing and testing software. The methodology you choose depends on factors such as the
1. Nature of project,
2. The project schedule, and
3. Resource availability.

Software Testing Methodologies
These are some of the commonly used test methodologies:
1. Waterfall model
2. V model
3. Spiral model
4. Rational Unified Process (RUP)
5. Agile model
6. Rapid Application Development (RAD)

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