Weight of Heavy Ball
There are 6561 balls out of them 1 is heavy. Find the min. no. of times the balls have to be weighed for finding out the heavy ball.
Managing Director interview Puzzle
A managing director interviewed candidates for a Responsible position in his company, finally arriving at three whom he could Not separate. He called them together and said, "in my desk i have some Small sticky discs, some of which are black and some white. Close Your eyes and i will stick one on the forehead of each of you. You Must then go into the next room which has no furniture or mirrors. You...
10 digit number puzzle
A 10 digit number has it first digit equals to the numbers of 1's, second digit equals to the numbers of 2's, 3rd digit equals to the numbers of 3's .4th equals number of 4’s…till 9th digit equals to the numbers of 9's and 10th digit equals to the number of 0's. what is the number?