Adobe Interview Procedure, Pattern and Model Question Paper
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Adobe Placement Papers
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Adobe India Written Test 2006
HI Everybody, I attended Adobe test on 16-07-2006. it was cool test. The test was 3 hours. I am sending u Questions Asked on Engineering and C. Merit-Trac conducted the test. The test was for both Development & testing Domain. I attended for Dev posn. ADOBE Written Test1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same.2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert...
Adobe C Questions
1. find the nth node from end in a linked list in single parse2. wap to check if the tree is BST3. prove A+BC =(A+B)(A+C)4. (A023AC5B)-(129B5321) to the base 135. prove that no of leaf nodes in any binary tree is one more than the no of nodes with degree 26. write a prog in assembly lang 2 calculate sum of first n natural nos7. print values in an array with recurring digitseg a[10]={3,2,5,4,3,4,6,12,4,12,6}the...
Adobe Puzzles
Most of the problems in adobe are solved here, though it is not mentioned that they are from Adobe, so this means he has to go through them as many as possibleThe C/Java/quant are from bestsamplequestions.comThe questions are mostly (99%) theoretical, or algo typeIf he is fresher then there will aloso be an apti n quant paper. Otherwiser only two papersEnginerring - based on college coursesC/Java...
Adobe Telephonic Interview Questions
Here are some questions I was asked.1) program to find height of a binary tree?Complexity of above program2) How do you know where the memory leaks when you have multiple files?3) What are virtual destructors?4) What should be done when an exception occurs in the constructor?5) What can be maximum memory that a process can have in 32-bit machine? What assigns a process this memory?6)Program to find...