Adobe India Written Test 2006
HI Everybody,
I attended Adobe test on 16-07-2006. it was cool test. The test was 3 hours. I am sending u Questions Asked on Engineering and C. Merit-Trac conducted the test. The test was for both Development & testing Domain. I attended for Dev posn.
ADOBE Written Test
1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same.
2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert
A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B);
3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list.After inserting,
the list must be sorted.
4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.
itoa() function is available.
5) Wap to swap two integer pointers.
6)Write a funcn int round(float x) to round off a floating point num to int.
7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following Instructions
LDA num ; load Accumulator with num
DCR R ; decrement Register R
INR R ; increment Register R
MOV x,y ; move the contents of register y into register x
JZ label ; jump to label if A=0
DJNZ label; Decrement & Jump if A <> 0
you can use B & C registers in addition to A register
8) Find the n th node in a Singly Linked list starting from the End in a Single Pass.
9)prove that a tree is BST.what is height of a tree?
10) Given A,B & C Boolean polynomials.Prove That (A+BC)=(A+B)(A+C)
This question is related to Adobe Interview
Interview Candidate
- Jul 17th, 2006
- 20
- 7296
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Adobe India Written Test 2006
I attended Adobe test on 16-07-2006. it was cool test. The test was 3 hours. I am sending u Questions Asked on Engineering and C. Merit-Trac conducted the test. The test was for both Development & testing Domain. I attended for Dev posn.
ADOBE Written Test
1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same.
2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert
A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B);
3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list.After inserting,
the list must be sorted.
4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.
itoa() function is available.
5) Wap to swap two integer pointers.
6)Write a funcn int round(float x) to round off a floating point num to int.
7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following Instructions
LDA num ; load Accumulator with num
DCR R ; decrement Register R
INR R ; increment Register R
MOV x,y ; move the contents of register y into register x
JZ label ; jump to label if A=0
DJNZ label; Decrement & Jump if A <> 0
you can use B & C registers in addition to A register
8) Find the n th node in a Singly Linked list starting from the End in a Single Pass.
9)prove that a tree is BST.what is height of a tree?
10) Given A,B & C Boolean polynomials.Prove That (A+BC)=(A+B)(A+C)
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