Adobe Placement Papers

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This question is related to Adobe Interview

Showing Answers 1 - 29 of 29 Answers

Pratiksha Powar

  • Dec 21st, 2005

Hi guys,
I attended the most recent Adobe test in B'lore.
It had 4 sections(2 1/2 hrs)
1. Analytical Aptitude: 15 mins 15 Qs
2. Quantitative Aptitude: 30 mins 30 Qs
3. Engineering Test :13 Qs, 1 hr
4. C/Java Test 15-20 Qs, 45 mins

The first 2 are ultra-cool, no probs at all.
The fun starts with the third one:
Those thirteen questions are completely based on your problem solving capacity:
There are questions based on data-structures like
 -height of a tree,
 -finding second largest number in an array
 -questions using finite automata
 - write a pgm to find whether a m/c is little endian or big endian
 - lots on bit-wise manipulation
 i could answer 8 out of 13 qs very well.
The 4th test on C/Java(i took C): is almost the same as the third one with questions like
- print a number in hexadecimal format without using sprintf
- optimise the computations in the recursive "nth fibonacci number" algo without using iteration(fairly simple)
"Instead of using return(fib(n-2)+fib(n-1)), use init lofib=0,hifib=1, start with n=2,lofib=hifib;hifib=fib;fib=lofib+hifib"
-given any number say 12, find the next multiple of 8 eg 16 using bit-wise manipulations.
-exchange the integers in a matrix across the secondary diagonal(or non-major diagonal)
 i tried hard but couldn't get a common formula for all cases.
and many more. No data structures book can directly help.
one should have very good capacity to solve problems in a very efficient manners.
One drawback about the test is that it is very lengthy.
They could have kept some qs for the interview. Nobody can attempt 28 programs in 1 hr 45 mins



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  • Feb 25th, 2006

Adobe came to r campus today(25th Feb) n took the written test n will declare the results after some days .There were 4 sections as told in the previous post n the first 2 sections were very easy compared to 3 rd n4th .The question in 3 n4 were basically related to C n algorithm n maximum of them were the same as posted by Pratiksha Powar"Hi guys,I attended the most recent Adobe test in B'lore.It had 4 sections(2 1/2 hrs)1. Analytical Aptitude: 15 mins 15 Qs2. Quantitative Aptitude: 30 mins 30 Qs3. Engineering Test :13 Qs, 1 hr4. C/Java Test 15-20 Qs, 45 minsThe first 2 are ultra-cool, no probs at all.The fun starts with the third one:Those thirteen questions are completely based on your problem solving capacity:There are questions based on data-structures like -height of a tree, -finding second largest number in an array -questions using finite automata - write a pgm to find whether a m/c is little endian or big endian - lots on bit-wise manipulation i could answer 8 out of 13 qs very well.The 4th test on C/Java(i took C): is almost the same as the third one with questions like- print a number in hexadecimal format without using sprintf- optimise the computations in the recursive "nth fibonacci number" algo without using iteration(fairly simple)"Instead of using return(fib(n-2)+fib(n-1)), use init lofib=0,hifib=1, start with n=2,lofib=hifib;hifib=fib;fib=lofib+hifib"-given any number say 12, find the next multiple of 8 eg 16 using bit-wise manipulations.-exchange the integers in a matrix across the secondary diagonal(or non-major diagonal) i tried hard but couldn't get a common formula for all cases.and many more. No data structures book can directly should have very good capacity to solve problems in a very efficient manners.One drawback about the test is that it is very lengthy.They could have kept some qs for the interview. Nobody can attempt 28 programs in 1 hr 45 minsThanks "some more questions which i remember r 1. given a tree generate its mirror image tree 2. print a number in hexademical notation without using sprintf3.given a tree n a sum , calculate if there is a path from the root to a leaf with the sum of values at the node equal to the given sum .

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  • Mar 16th, 2006

hi friends,

i have recently attended adobe writtne test.. its same as prithksha said... u people plz prepare GRE, CAT questions, c questions, from sure u will clear.... all the best...



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  • Mar 16th, 2006

hi frds,

even iam telling the same what gaurav n prathiksha said.... some questions getting repeated... study the GRE/CAT sample questions from there  u will get c sampel questions also... iam sure then written will be easy to clear.... all the best....



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Hi, i would like to know the solutionsfor the following questions which were asked in Adobe test..

-questions using finite automata
optimise the computations in the recursive "nth fibonacci number" algo without using iteration(fairly simple)
"Instead of using return(fib(n-2)+fib(n-1)), use init lofib=0,hifib=1, start with n=2,lofib=hifib;hifib=fib;fib=lofib+hifib"

i am not very clear abt the solution that was given ...



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  • Mar 27th, 2006

Hi guys,I have recently given adobe test. As others have already posted, the test consists of Quantitative(30 questions - 30 mins), Analytical(15 mins - 15 questions), Engineering(1 Hour) and Technical(45 minutes) tests. These are some of the questions I remember.In Engineering:1) Complexity of binary search. and also write the algorithm to do the same.2) f(a,b) = 0 if ad){ stmt e; } if this loop is run 5000 times, and ad is true 70% of the times, how many times is stmt e executed.12) Some question on parallel computing, like if a code takes 100 seconds to execute ona single processor and if 40% of the code is sequential what is the time taken by to execute the code on systems with 2 processors and 4 processors.In 'C' paper.1) Write 3 examples of preprocessor tags.2) What is the difference between char a[] = "hello" and char *a = "hello";3) how do you make sure a header file is not included twice in a program.4) what is the output of the following programint a[] = {1,2,3,4);printf("%d", 2[a]);5) implemenatation of atoi();6) search a sub string in a string and return the index of the last occurence of the string.7) Implement fibinocci search8) some question on conversion of hexadecimal number to binary Prepare well for the Quantiative and Analytical. Quantitative is very easy. But Analytical is a little touch as the time is very less. 15 questions-15mintes, so you have to be fast in solving the problems. As some one one has already suggested, please solve the problems in you will clear the test easily.all the best.

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  • May 11th, 2006



If CURD is 321184 then MILK is -

Ans: 1391211


1. Solve: (A V B) ^ (!A V B) ^ ( A V ! B)


2. If 0 on a sector represents vacant and 1 represents occupied and on a 32 bit area D4FE2003 is written then what % is vacant.


3. A DFA was drawn?.for a certain string.

You have to draw a DFA for language from alphabet (a,b)* which does not accept strings containing aabb.


4.create a tree for which inorder and preorder traversal is given

like?Inorder AVBEGHEHNEH

and Preorder VGHWEH??.

Now draw tree for Postorder traversal


5. for 100 sorted elements array

  a. what will be avg complexity of searching an element in the array

  b. write a code for searching an element

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  • May 30th, 2006

I have cleard the adobe written for dev, any clue what they ask in interviews

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  • Jul 2nd, 2006

Hi, some more info on Adobe Question paper-

Analytical/Quantitative - GRE book is sufficient - very low level but the time is short so you should practice.

Data Struct/OS - Binary Search Trees (isBST?, depth, node-leaf relations etc), Linked list (reverse, search the element from it's end, etc), some questions on OS. - Overall you should have good knowledge in BST and linked list.

C - swap int pointers, malloc for mxn matrix, function pointers, const pointers, typedef errors, switch() errors, #define, bitwise operators (divisble by 3), arrays (find duplicates, rotate elements from i, j etc), recursion, booleans (prove equations like A+BC = (A+B)(B+C), simplify (~A)(A+B)+(AA+B)(~B)), postorder, preorder. overall the question paper was tough you have to practice a lot before the test.

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  • Jul 25th, 2006


I am a fresh graduate and got a call from Adobe and they called me for their QA position, and i am told that i have to go through three round of written test like Quant, analytical and finally Technical, they are going to ask me Some concepts?of testing, can any body plz let me know what exactly they?can ask me in this technical round...will it be just fundamentals of testing or they are gonna?ask some thing about tools...

plz reply as soon as possible


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  • Aug 16th, 2006


How many days will it take for announcing the written exam results.

Will they send any mail for the people who have got selected??

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  • Aug 23rd, 2006

Hi i appeared for the adobe written test on 13th August and

engineering and data structures paper went well.But I havent got any updates abt them.My analytical did'nt go too well.I am not sure how much time do they take...can somebody guide me?Do they inform even people who get rejects?

My cell is 09818249394

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  • Oct 11th, 2006

Hi, Do you know something about testing paper. Please tell something.

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  • Jan 23rd, 2007

First of all thanks for posting the question here but i could not understand what have you writtein in second question of engg...2) f(a,b) = 0 if (ad){ stmt e; } if this loop is run 5000 times, and ad is true 70% of the times, how many times is stmt e executed.what "f(a,b) = 0 " is doing there and which language is that certainly not C must be C++.if i assume this "f(a,b) = 0" was not there, answer shud be 70% of 5000.

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  • Feb 25th, 2007

I have given the test on 25 February for the Developer. This was for the experienced people <=1year. We had to give two tests of Engineering and C or Java.


Both of the paper has 10 questions and 10 marks for each test. And each test is for 45 minutes.


C Paper:

  1. What is the difference between Char a[ ]=”string” and char *a=”String”
  1. What is wrong with the code? The code was for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit

degF =5/9*(c+32)


 In code this line was wrong as we want 5/9 and that to be multiplied with bracket result. But here 9 will be first multiplied with bracket result.

  1. What are Data breakpoints? Give two scenarios where we make the use of this
  1. What do you mean by Bit fields? Give example
  1. Write the function for changing a number from hexadecimal to integer htoi(s)
  1. Compare two binary trees they are same or not.
  1. You have N computers and [Ca, Cb] means a is connected to b and this connectivity is symmetric and transitive. then write a program which checks that all computers are interconnected and talk two each other
  1. WAP to find Depth of tree program. We were given the structure of the node using that we need to write the code.
  1. In binary search we have two comparisons one for greater than and other for less than the mid value. Optimize so that we need to check only once
  1. Question was some what like we need to write the function so that we get the two dimensional array and memory is assigned to it using malloc function. Don’t remember the question exactly. But this was the only question in proper language.

Engineering Paper:


I remember only 5 questions in this. A s this was taken first

  1. Binary search Tree was given. Find 4ths smallest element.
  1. Some code in assembly was given and given five options. What is being calculated?

Ans (XY) 2 + Y + Z

  1. Represent (-5)10 in 2’s complement representation in 8 bits
  1. Expression was given. Draw tree and then find the postfix
  1. Some commands in the assembly language were given. Then need to convert this code in assembly


For (i=0 ; i<=10 ;  i++)





 NO Automata questions were asked. Good News!!!!


The engineering paper was totally based on the Data Structure, simple assembly programs implementation and some simple algorithms related to data structures.

So read Arrays, Linked list, postfix prefixes inorder post order etc.

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  • Jul 30th, 2007

There are few more questions missing.

What ever questions mentioned are exactly same.
Both Engineering and C Paper
--> Allocate memory for 2-Darray elements.
--> Algorithm to find a plane in a 2-D axes.
Given P1(x1,y1), P2(x2,y2) where x1>x2.

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  • Aug 20th, 2007

  1. What is wrong with the code? The code was for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit

degF =5/9*(c+32)


 In code this line was wrong as we want 5/9 and that to be multiplied with bracket result. But here 9 will be first multiplied with bracket result.//
5/9=0;the result type is a int.
 so defF = 0

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Vijay Agnihotri

  • Aug 21st, 2007

QE questions and answers

1)Virtual Memory is related to

A.Page in
B.Read Only memory
Memory Leakage

2)Regression Testing

3)Black Box Testing

4)Which of the following is not related to testing

A.Code review
B.Help Testing

5)Winzip is a ___________ compression
a)Loss less

6)for a system which accepts Boolean values what should be the number of equivalent cases

7)A binary number divided by 2 what should be the output - few binary options were given

8)the cost of fixing defect increases Linearly / exponentially with the phases of test


1) Write input and out put
Write a defect description for a a calculator for windows which gives the following out put for addition
1+1=2,2+2=5,3+3=6, 4+4=9.....6+6=13

2)Write 10 test cases with data inputs  to test an application which takes three sides of a
triangle as input and determines whether it is a scalene,equilateral or isosceles triangle

3)Why should developers TEST ? 3 in for ,2 in against

4) Severity / Priority ....Example of High Severity and low priority defect

5)A program which takes positive integer as input for V and R and determines I where I =V/R ,
write 5 data sets to test the correctness of this application


1)Which one is greater


Column A : x
Column B : Y

2)a  eggs wts b per egg, c eggs wts betn d and e ,f eggs wts betn g and h then wot is the minm wt of

3)27 students took chem ,22 took Maths 7 took both Chem & math ,Ratio of students who has taken
a)only chem and  b)only math


A Student(Tom) attends school during the week through Monday to Friday between 9 to 3 .Only on thursday
his class is over by noon due to some help classes

1.On Monday between 3 to 4:30 he takes piano classes
2.On Tuesday between 4 to 6 he takes karate class
3.Wednesday between 4 to 6 he takes Art class
8.Friday between 4 to 6 he has some coaching

1.Which is the best day to accommodate for library class
2)If he wants to take some replaces art class by advance art which days he can accommodate ...

some other similar questions

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  • Oct 15th, 2007

The written paper is repeated. The xerox copies of Q papers sometimes even have the correct options tick marked.
Interview Q: Implement a circula queue with array.
Q: Given an array of integers and a number R find 2 numbers which sum up to R.
Q:If only one bit in an integer is set to 1.Find the position of the bit.

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  • Jun 27th, 2008

static sum;
if(node==NULL && sum==0)
printf("n Path exists");
if(node==NULL &&Sum!=0)
sum=sum+node->data; //To undo the effect of the earlier deduction frm sum

sum=sum+node->data;//Continuining the undo effect until u take a new path

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  • Jun 30th, 2010

Use this code

public int fib(int n){
int[] array = new int[2];

for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){
  int sum = array[0]+array[1];
  array[ i % 2] = sum;

return array[0]+array[1];


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