load testing :A test of a computer system and its applications by running under a full complement (full load) of transactions or users. A load test can be real or simulated by testing software &n...
Once risks are identified, plans are created to prevent them from happening and/or minimizing their impact should they occur. These are called mitigation plans.EXAMPLERisk: Techn...
Hai, I joined as a fresher in small company.today they r asking to write Test summary report of current module.so,Please give me a sample of summary report. with regardschander
Oct 30th, 2006
Can anyone provide me a test summary report sample in QA environment.
The status developer submit are fix, verified or modified and rejected with out any reason for that bug because it has similar meaning like prevoiusly filed case.sudhakar kolla.My Email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.My Number:09819859346.
As per UMl,First we will have to create use cases with the functional specifications, then scenarios with the use cases and then test cases from scenarions.Use case:Is created with the user's per...
Build Acceptance testing,in this tester will check all the links are working or not.Black Box Testing is started after getting the build.means after installing the build in Server system. Sanity and S...
Oct 30th, 2006
black box testing starts when the build is installed in the testing server .and initially smoke and sanity test is conducted.as part of smoke test we will chk the build stability(navigations of screen...
Hi, when the test case fails we can log it as a defect, in the defect tracker.. if it fails after fixing also, then we can send the snap shots related to the ...
Nov 6th, 2006
hi,change the status of bug to reopen even it is fixed and leading wrong data n send it to developer to fix it
Developer machine will have .dlls which makes the application run smoothly, but either the test server or the production usually don?t have the .dlls. which may be the problem
Nov 6th, 2006
hi,That may happens for the sake of environmental changes.At developers place they will check in local network...where as tester will test the applications in online...so problems may raise when...
IEEE 829 also known as the 829 Standard for Software Test Documentation Specification.Capability Maturity Model (CMM) broadly refers to a process improvement approach that is based on a process m...
HI,whether u r doing testing for web or for any application, the main thing is to test is functionality.So, focus on functionality first.OK, then compatibilty, for web it is with different browsers.th...
Nov 13th, 2006
?Browser Capability ?Links ?Cookies ?Databases Content CheckingGeneral Appearancethese are the factors we have to consider while testing website .if any doubts dont hesitate to ask me.
FUNCTIONAL TESTING means validation of REUIREMENTS MEETING IN BUILD using Black Box Testings techniques such as......Functionality Testing, Input Domain Testing,Recovery Testing, Intersystem (END-TO-E...
Nov 13th, 2006
Functional Testing is a Manitory Part in Black Box Testing .Functionality Testing is also Known as Requirement Testing .during this test testing team validates the correctness of every functionality interms of behavioural coverage,calculation coverage,i/p domain coverage,backend covarageSrinu
Configuration Management or CM is the management and control of the technical
resources required to construct a software artifact.
We require CM for
1. To ensure Integrity of requirements
2. We ...
Nov 13th, 2006
the configuration management comes in the maintenance phase of the life cycle. once the s/w is released 2 the customer and client stats using it,the ma...
They are:1) Lead the planning and implementation of project(s)2) Facilitate the definition of project scope, goals and deliverables3) Define project tasks and resource requirements4)?Develop full scal...
Before writing test cases ,first try to understand the user requirements and based on the functionality write the test cases.
Nov 14th, 2006
Before you start testing you need to have a clear idea on what's to be tested. You need to give yourself some time to analyze and research the feature you're testing , for example, read the requiremen...