Do we write Use case diagrams before fuctional requirements document?How do we gather information regarding Use Case, Sequence, Class diagrams?

Questions by jalo56

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Chakrapani Anumula

  • Oct 16th, 2006

No. After getting Functional Requirement Spicifications only We start use case diagrams. from use cases we will gather Sequence,Class Diagrams.

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  • Dec 12th, 2006

As per UMl,

First we will have to create use cases with the functional specifications, then scenarios with the use cases and then test cases from scenarions.

Use case:

Is created with the user's perspective. How the user interacts with the system, what are all the ways in which user can interact with the system.I.e, it tells the interaction between the Actor and the system. How the actor uses the system to complete an operation.


This is a detailed explanation of use case. A use case will tell you - "what has to be done", whereas the scenario will tell you - " how it has to be done".A use case will have various paths and the scenarion will explain all of them in a detailed manner.

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