How to become expert in writing test cases?What are the basic point to remember before writing test cases.

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  • Nov 14th, 2006

Before you start testing you need to have a clear idea on what's to be tested. You need to give yourself some time to analyze and research the feature you're testing , for example, read the requirements, the UC documents or system documents, even if you can get your hand on the designer documents like feature specification etc and if the test speficiation is ready then it helps a lot. Having an overall idea about teh feature and a deep one built from reading other documents will make it easy for you to work out the scenarios you want to test and at the same time maybe  when you read the documents you'll find some issues or something and you mgiht even help is solving a big issue before you even start. You need to feel that you're on top of what you're testing , that you own the feature and that you're not just the tester but also the customer  and after you think of all the scenarios you have to prioritize them  and of course don;t forget to be involved in the document reviews of your feature as it will help a lot and invite designers and even the systme engineer and other testers to your review and try to get an input and ask questions as early as possible. after gatherign all the information, the actually typing up of the document won't evne take up a few hours. but doing your research is very important  and documenting  the possible scenarios is also important unless told otherwise after your discussions with the designers and system engineer but also make sure to document which areas are not going to be covered by the document .

good luck , testing is wonderful, I hope I'll get back into it soon.. all the best

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  • Nov 16th, 2006

Before writing test cases ,first try to understand the user requirements and based on the functionality write the test cases.

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