QTP - Conditional links count
Hi,I am new for QTP.I have so many links in my page. but i want to count particular links among them.But all links properties are same. so now i have to add the new property for that group of links and count that.i added the new property for that linksbut i got general errori add new property for the link in object repository and the object identificationname is val Value is LI write the codeSet descrip...
QTP In Visual Studio 2005 problem
I am using QTP 6.5 and till date we were developing our soft on vs2003 and now we switched to vs2005.UI remaining same we could not get that old scripts recorded are not working on 2005.there is a difference in the scripts old scripts and the new scripts also.
Where can I get Quck Test pro(QTP Pro) software.. This is Just for Information purpose Only.
Introduction to QuickTest Professional 8.0, Computer Based Training: Please find the step to get QuickTest Professional 8.0 CBT Step by Step Tutorial and Evaluation copy of the software. The full CBT is 162 MB. You will have to create account to be able to download evaluation copies of CBT and Software.Click Here for more details
and twhile execution teh number changes say text becomes "Build Activity (2)" QTP thros an error saying then Object properties do not match or the object does not exist.
I think Regexp can be a solution for this.
Can anyone explain me how.
Email: arthere@hotmail.com">I have link on my screenBuild Activity (9).Clicking on the link a page apperas.The number part above keeps on changing.If i record this click with text "Build Activity (9)"and twhile execution teh number changes say text becomes "Build Activity (2)" QTP thros an error saying then Object properties do not match or the object does not exist.I think Regexp can be a solution for this.Can anyone explain me how.Email: arthere@hotmail.com
Object name is changing while executing test in QTP
when i am recording in QTP the object name of the text box is text1 and it is changing while i am executing. whenever i am opening the login window it is assigning new names If it is like this how can i test the application
QTP parametrize test for multiple excel sheets
Hi all!can anyone tell me how i can parametrize my test when i have 3 excel sheets with names of companies,places, states respectively and the fourth excel sheet with the paths of the previously mentioned sheets. i have one main test script which will import the excel sheet with the paths of the other three. and i want to parametrize the test to take values from 3 different sheets in each iteration....
The idea is to handle all possible windows that might be invoked in a flow similar to handling an exception.">
How do I identify an active/current window in QTP?Is there something like Window("Current Window") as in Rational Robot?The idea is to handle all possible windows that might be invoked in a flow similar to handling an exception.
QTP Interview Questions