Explain the concept of how QTP identifies object.

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Kalpana Naidu

  • Aug 4th, 2005

QTP uses the Object Repository file to recognize objects on the application. When QTP runs a action, it uses the Object Repository to locate objects. It reads an object?s description in the Object Repository and then looks for an object with the same properties in the application being tested

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  • Aug 5th, 2005

During recording qtp looks at the object and stores it as test object.For each test object QT learns a set of default properties called mandatory properties,and look at the rest of the objects to check whether this properties are enough to uniquely identify the object. 
During test run,QT searches for the run time obkects that matches with the test object it learned while recording.

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QTP recognizes all objects in the Application under test using the set of mandatory properties that it stores for all Test Objects while recording. If QTP is not able to recognize the objects using the set of mandatory properties it uses another set of properties called the assistive properties. Incase the assistive properties are also not enough to uniquely identify an object QTP resorts to using the ordinal identifiers for the object that are properties like the index, location and time of creation of the object. If all this fails QTP resorts to the smart identification mechanism.


  • Jul 23rd, 2007

First of all QTP will consider all the properties present in the Object Repositary except Ordinal identifier and tried to identify the object, if it fails then it will forget above the all these properties and uses the "smart identification" mechanism  in the following way:

First of all it will use all the "Base filter"  properties and try to match with all the objects present in the AUT(Application under Test) and then prepare the test of objects which are matched with those properties, if the  list contains only one object then it is the object, otherwise if the list contains more than one object it wil take the support of the first "optional filter" properties and try to match with all the objects in the list and the prepare a new list in the objet which are matched with theat "OF" properties , if the list contain more than one object it will take the support of second "OF" property and continues the above process till the list contain one object or up to the end of the "OF" properties list.


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  • Sep 7th, 2007

I think the sequence QTP uses to check object properties is

Mandatory Properties----------->Assistive----------->Smart Identification--------------->Ordinal

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  • Sep 13th, 2007


I agree with supriya and I will give some more clear on this,

During recording or pre-learning QT capturing the object property's based on the
mandatory and also assertive optional properties for unique identification but
those property's are not enough for identification then it will take the help of
ordinal identifier (like index or location). While execution QT using these
property's it will uniquely identify the specific object on the AUT.



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parusuram challa

  • Sep 28th, 2007

Hi Kalpana,
Our concept is ok as all others thinks but it the original process of
identification is different .

Object identification:
QTP will identify the object in the following manner during the running.
It will understand the script statement.
Then it releases that it needs to from some action on some object, for that it
needs some information about that object.
For that information it will go to the object repository and get the information
from their.
With that information it will try to identify that object. If it all the object
is identified it will perform action on that object. Here the information means
object properties.
And now the question is that how it is learning those properties, to identify
the objects.
This is the point where every one thinking his one style, but the fact is that.
That the process of learning is like this.
There are two types of object identification that QTP normally uses apart from
the ordinal identifiers.

In general there are four types of properties that QTP having.

  1. Mandatory properties.

  2. Assistive properties.

  3. Base filter properties.

  4. Optional filter properties.

And ordinal identifiers like location, index and creation time.
As I told that QTP will be using two types of object identification.

The first one is normal identification.
In this identification the learning of the properties will be in the following
First the QTP will learn all the mandatory properties at a time. And with these
properties it will try to identify the object if at all it feels these
properties are sufficient to identify the object uniquely, and then it will stop
learning and use those properties. If at all it feels these properties are not
sufficient to identify the object uniquely, then it will learn the first
assistive property. And try to identify the object with those properties
(mandatory and first assistive property), if at all it feels that these
properties are sufficient to identify the object uniquely then it will stop
learning and use those properties to identify the object. If it feels these
properties are not sufficient to identify the object uniquely. Then it will
learn the second assistive property and repeat the same process till it identify
the object uniquely. If at all it fails to identify the object uniquely by using
all these properties also. Then the ordinal identifiers come into picture. This
is the process QTP identifies the objects when the smart identification is

The second type of identification is smart identification.
In the process QTP will be learning all the mandatory, base filter properties
and optional filter properties at time. But the identification process is as
If you invoke the smart identification then also first QTP will try to identify
the object by using normal identification process. That is the above process
apart from the ordinal identifier. Now it will not use the ordinal identifiers.
If the normal identification fails then it will come to the smart
identification. And forget about the normal identification also all those
properties learnt in the normal identification. And now it will using all the
base filter properties at time and tries to identify the object uniquely. If at
all it feels that these are sufficient then it will use these properties to
identify the object uniquely. Otherwise take the first optional filter property
and same process will continue as above till the object is identified uniquely.
If at all the smart identification is also fails then it will go to use the
ordinal identifiers. This the actual process of identification.

If we have any questions regarding this please go head and send me the e-mail
to me or directly you can contact me. only in the mentioned hours only.(8.00 PM
TO 8.00AM)

Parusuram challa,
pramchalla @ gmail . com

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  • Oct 26th, 2007

At the time of Recording

First Browser level or page level or frame level or object level.

At the time of Running

Mandatory Properties or Assistive Properties or Index or Location 

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