Anybody with an experience of testing Mainframe applications. I usually check the ActiveX and VB add-ins while launching the test. Also I'm wondering how would the object repository look when we actually select the Terminal Emulator add-in and record the sript.Will it only record the Terminaal Emulator as the Object or will it record all it 's children, i mean the fields on the GREEN SCREEN.Let's discuss.

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Jun 29th, 2006

First we have install Terminal Emulator add-in.  Then try to identify the objects.

The objects will be added to the object Repository, but these objects will be identified depends the X, Y co-ordinates of the objects.

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  • Jul 18th, 2006

Even after u install the TE addin, if QTP identifies the screen objects in terms of x,y co-ordinates.its probably because ur host explorer is not compatible...for me its not working with hummingbird..but works with astra,reflections etc..

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  • Oct 6th, 2007

Terminal Emulator Add-In provided by QTP supports Hummingbird 8.0 and 9.0 versions. But I need Terminal Emulator which supports Hummingbird 7.0. Its Urgent . Please respond ASAP

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