How does QTP identifies the object during run time?

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  • Oct 9th, 2007

Hi pallavi,

          QTP ifentifies the objects during run time is nothing......Based on the Physical description properties like mandatry and assestive properties it capturing the properties if those are not enough to idetifying the object uniquely then it will goes to ordinal identifier and take the help of index or location property to uniquely identify those objects then during execution qtp itself compare those property values with the actual property values then disply the results Pass or Fail manner.......This is the process.......if i have any mistakes please correctme.

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  • Oct 11th, 2007

First of all QTP will consider all the properties present in the object repository (i.e mandatory and assistive properties) except ordinal identifier and try to identify the object. if it fails then it will use the base filter properties and try to match with all the objects present in the AUT and then prepares a list of objects which are match with those properties.

If the list contains only one object it is the object, otherwise if the list contains more than one object it will take the support of first optional filter property and try to match with all the objects in the list and then prepares a new list of objects which are matched with that optional filter properties. if the list contains more than one objects then it will take the support of 2nd optional properties.
The process will will continue until the end of optional filter properties.

If all the object repository, base filter and optional filter properties are not enough to identify the object, then it will use ordinal
identifier. after using ordinal identifier QTP unable to identify the object then test will fail to say unable to identify the object.


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