Static picklist front end and back end
How can we configure a static picklist so that in front end it show different value but while storing in back end it store with different value? Please mention the pick mapping for the answer?
How to create warning message from ifb file
I.e. through ifb is it possible create user defined error message like this process is failed due to user key violation, etc...
Custom communication driver
1.Do anyone has custom communication driver source code which develop in C/C++ programming?2.What is the datatype fo ISC_DRIVER_HANDLE
To deploy the Siebel Communications Server, what components do I have to enable and run?
Application Object Manager (AOM) for my applications, which supports user sessions in Siebel Web Client / Server Request Broker and Server Request Processor, which coordinate communication activities between AOM and instances of Siebel Communications Server components (Server Request Broker & Server Request Processor are automatically enabled) / The Siebel Communications Server components are:Communications...
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