How do you control visibility in Siebel?• What is the difference between an organization and division in Siebel?• What does position represents in Siebel?• How do you assign responsibilities to employees in Siebel?• How do you set up employees in Siebel?• What happens if you create an employee in Siebel application and forget to create the employee in the database?• Why do you need to create employees at the database in Siebel?• What is position type field in position applet?• What does an opportunity, account contact do in Siebel?• How is the opportunity related to an account?• How is tools architecture constructed in in Siebel?• What is the new layer in Siebel 7.x version?• What do you mean by virtual business comp. in Siebel?• How does your b/c and view related?• What is the relationship between a view and a b/o?• Why is it not recommended to modify existing base tables?• How do youcreate extension table to an interface table in Siebel?• What is an extension table and how is it related to base table?• Can you create an extension table with an intersection table?• How do you create intersection table?• How is Siebel 7.x data model is different from Siebel 6.0 data model?• What is seed data in Siebel?• What is s_party table?• What does install.ksh and imprep.ksh files do?• Is it required to install gateway server before installing a Siebel server?• What is nameserver? What does it do?• What is Resonate?• How is load balancing maintained in Siebel?• How is Siebel 7.x architecture different from Siebel 6.x?• What is Siebel file system?

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Sep 26th, 2006

Visiblity is controled at the view level and at the data level.

View level by restricting the views at the responsiblities level.

Data level by setting the Visiblity at the BC,view level

Division is the child of organization


  • Oct 1st, 2007

Every division that you create can be coverted into an Organization, by checking the flag for it. Converting an division into an Organization helpsΒ us to give a data control over it.

Based on the Position of the user, he would be able to see the data against him on login in to the application

In siebel go to user-admin, in emplyee section you would be able to assign reponsibility to user. It can be more than 1.

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  • Oct 3rd, 2007

Nameserver is nothing but Gateway Server which registersΒ the availability of the Siebel server dynamically. This will help to route the request coming from the Siebel Web client to the correct Siebel server.

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