What are the 3 major steps in the event handler process?
(1) An event or action occurs, like a call being disconnected. The telephony switch forwards the events to the communications middleware server. (2) The middleware server, like CTI middleware will forward the event to the communications client business service. (3) The communications client business service processes the event and executes any actions defined in the config data, or forwards the events...
What is a ‘Recipient Group’?
A way to specify a group of people you want to send communications to. For outbound communications requests, recipient groups determine the actual recipients. (Example: Opportunity Contacts recipient group - the recipients come from the Contacts associated with at least one Opportunity)
How do you add Event Handler Parameters?
Administration – Communications > All Event Handlers. Select the event handler from the list, click the Event Handler Parameter view tab, in the Event Handler Parameter list add a new record, in ‘name’ field- specify the name of the parameter, in the ‘value’ field-enter the value for the parameter
What are the 3 major steps involved in setting up Siebel Communications Management software?
(1) Install the Siebel Server Software (making sure the Communications Management component group is installed and enabled) (2) Enable session communications on the AOM (do this on each AOM that is to support users who need the communications toolbar & other interactive session communications functionality) (3) Configure each Siebel Communications Server server component (in the Communications Management...
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