What are the 3 major steps in the event handler process?

(1) An event or action occurs, like a call being disconnected. The telephony switch forwards the events to the communications middleware server. (2) The middleware server, like CTI middleware will forward the event to the communications client business service. (3) The communications client business service processes the event and executes any actions defined in the config data, or forwards the events to business service methods, or Siebel VB of Siebel eScript code.
Detail: In Administration – Communications screen, you can define the actions to be performed when a particular communications event is received. Such actions are invoked immediately upon receipt. Event Handlers specify what kind of events from the communications system will be processed & specify which event response will be called.

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Ajit Patil

  • Feb 23rd, 2007

Any action in siebel application is considered as event.
Event handler process event and decide reposnce to event.

I would have given anser of this question as
1st step is Pre Operation : In which we can write code to do validation or any task to be done before action to event is taken.
2nd step: Event handler process event and respond it.
3rd step: Post Operation: in which we can add code to perform additional tasks after operation.

Please let me know if my understanding is correct?

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