What is the difference between explode and split?
Split - Splits string into array by regular expression.Explode - Split a string by stringHope this helps
Percentage Bar for Processing
While in case of download, How will you make a percentage bar showing current status of total 100%?
Store Image in MySQL
How to store image in MySQL database via PHP?
Feof with fsockopen
While working with file system, can feof be used with a file open by fsockopen?
Cron Jobs
What are cron jobs? Explain in details.
What is htaccess?
What is htaccess? Why do we use this and Where?
How do you create subdomains using PHP?
How will you create sub domains without manually creating it from Control Panel? Sub Domains must me created by using PHP script for a membership website. Answer with a sample script.
Why we need a function like fetch_object and what is the purpose of using it?
we have fetch_array to fetch a row from a result set... in what way the fetch_object function is useful... at which situation it is used? every question is like what is the difference and the answers is just like the following 'fetch_array" gives an array of any type but fetch_object will return an object.... but WHY???
PHP Interview Questions