How do you create subdomains using PHP?

How will you create sub domains without manually creating it from Control Panel? Sub Domains must me created by using PHP script for a membership website. Answer with a sample script.

Questions by thunderman

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers

* Create the appropriate web root directory, for example /home/sites/username/web , and any subdirectories you wish 
* Edit httpd.conf -  add a new virtual host section 
* Restart httpd

In a normal Linux server setup, php/Apache does not have the necessary permissions to do all this.

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  • Mar 14th, 2008


You can crate a virtual domain by using .htaccess file and you need to set some little things in control panel.

by using .htaccess file you can crate like as a under mention example. -->

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use this script to add new subdoamin in your cpanel account


<title>create a subdomain</title>
<form name="form1" method="post" action="addsubdomain.php">
<h1>create Sub Domains</h1>
Sub Domain Name : <input type="text" name="subdomain"><br />
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">




ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$host = ""; // your domain name without the www
$port = 2082;
$path = "/frontend/x/subdomain/doadddomain.html?domain=".$_POST['subdomain']."&rootdomain=".$host; //or .dll, etc. for authnet, etc.

// these lines are changed
$cpaneluser = "username";
$cpanelpass = "pass";
$authstr = "$cpaneluser:$cpanelpass";

// Setup the Auth String
$pass = base64_encode($authstr);

$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout = 30);

//error tell us
echo "$errstr ($errno)n";


//send the server request

fputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.1rn");
fputs($fp, "Host: $hostrn");
fputs($fp, "Authorization: Basic $pass rn");
fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedrn");
fputs($fp, "Content-length: ".strlen($poststring)."rn");
fputs($fp, "Connection: closernrn");
fputs($fp, $poststring . "rnrn");

// Remove this to stop it from displaying the output fron the CPanel
//loop through the response from the server
while(!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 4096);

while(!feof($fp)) { fgets($fp, 4096); }
//close fp - we are done with it

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  1. In you main httpd.conf, add the following line at the bottom:

    Include /path/to/subdomains.conf

file name subdomains.conf

@mkdir ( "/path/to/subdirectory/".$name );

  1.     $vhost = "
  2.     ServerAdmin
  3.     DocumentRoot /path/to/subdirectory/".$name."
  4.     ServerName ".$name."
  5.     ErrorLog /path/to/logs/".$name."_error_log
  6. ";
  7.     $fo = fopen ( "/path/to/subdomains.conf", "a" );
  8.     $fw = fwrite ( $fo, $vhost );
  9.     fclose ( $fo );

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You do it by url rewiting by using .htaccess file and you need to make some change in anchor tags and form submit buttons and you have to write rule in .htaccess file telling it to behave the following url to the used url in anchor tag
Same process for submit button of the form.


  • Apr 14th, 2009

You can create virtual sub domain via .htaccess file. For this you can get
help with Wordpress MU 2.7.

In wordpress wu 2.7 is supporting this features.

You need any more detail or you have any confusion, please get back to me.


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  • Sep 12th, 2011 -->

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