Why we need a function like fetch_object and what is the purpose of using it?

We have fetch_array to fetch a row from a result set... in what way the fetch_object function is useful... at which situation it is used? every question is like what is the difference and the answers is just like the following 'fetch_array" gives an array of any type but fetch_object will return an object.... but WHY???

Questions by jachmullan

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers

Fetch array normally retrives the records based on array index. i.e. like $row[1], but if you want to retrieve the record based on the column name we can use fetch_object i.e. $row['username']


  • Sep 17th, 2008

just read this script and you will be get cleared
$result mysql_query("select * from mytable");
while (
$row mysql_fetch_object($result)) {


  • Feb 9th, 2009

Procedural programmers do use functional and OOPs programmers use class and objects.

So it's just a facility and not a burden on anybody. If you're following OOPs pattern then you may use mysql_fetch_object function, otherwise get the processing done using mysql_fetch_assoc function.

It all depends, the kind of model we're using. The only difference is whether you want to use array or object??


  • Sep 12th, 2011

Fetch array normally retrieves the records based on array index. i.e. like $row[1], but if you want to retrieve the record based on the column name we can use fetch_object i.e. $row['username']

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