Calling C Function
How to call a C function within PHP?
PHP5 New Features
What are new features that are in added in PHP5?
Session_register and $_session
What is the difference between session_register and $_session?
What is the use of ob_start() in PHP?
Enctype in Form
Why do we use enctype in form while uploading a file?
Array Comparison
While comparing two array what is the difference between === and ==?
Session Cache Expire
If sesio_cache_expire is not set than in how much time will it expire? a. 1 hour,b. 2 hours,c. 3 hours,d. 4 hours
What is curl? What is the functionality of curl?
PHP Code is Parsed
Explain properly why and how Php code is parsed?
Protecting folder with Htaccess
how can I protect my folders and file using htaccess file?
Echo and Print
What is the difference between "echo" and "print" in PHP?
Hide Pages Written in PHP
How can we hide the fact that the web pages are written in PHP?
Abstract Class and Final Method
Which of the following is correct in case of abstract class..(1) An abstract class can not have final method(2) An abstract class can not have non-abstract method(3) A final class can not have abstract method(4) A final class can not have final method
High Precedence
Which one has the high precedence between && and and?
Increase Execution Time
How will you increase execution time of PHP for processing large set of records?
Count hits
If we have a button on a simple page and a user clicks on the button, then how we can come to know how many times the user has clicked on the button?
How to combine 2 arrays?
Database Connectivity in Joomla
How will you connect to the Database using Joomla?
PHP Interview Questions