PHP Form Hijacking
How to prevent form hijacking in PHP?
Website development in PHP and Java
What is difference between developing website using Java and PHP?
Calculate Date Difference
How will you calculate difference of two dates using PHP?
Submit Button
How can we submit a form without a submit button?
Difference between require() and include()
The require() statement includes and evaluates the specific file. The include() statement includes and evaluates the specified file include() produces a Warning while require() results in a Fatal Error.
What is the effect of large number of data stored in a database on a website ?
I.e. if there is a 5,00,000 records on the database is it affect website. what is the solution for this.
PHP header function
Use of header() function in php
What is the purpose of ob_start() ?
MySQL Query Optimize
What are the different methods to optimize the MySQL query?
Crystal Reports through PHP code
How to access crystal reports through PHP code
How to access crystal reports through PHP code
i m creating reports through crystal reports using MySQL database.Now i want to access these reports through php code in web page.Can anyone help me or give me sample code, how to access reports in php like as we access Crystal reports in .NET through crystal report viewer.Or is there any other option to create reports in php in which i can create charts like pie chart, bar chart, etc........Pls provide...
What might be PHP SOAP Error for this code?
Hello All, Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Client] Not enough message parts were received for the operation. in C:Program FilesEasyPHP 2.0b1wwwexamplessoaptest4.php:5 Stack trace: #0 C:Program FilesEasyPHP 2.0b1wwwexamplessoaptest4.php(5): SoapClient->__call('checkStatus', Array) #1 {main} thrown in C:Program FilesEasyPHP 2.0b1wwwexamplessoaptest4.php on line 5Can any body solve this...
File Upload
How to upload files using PHP?
PHP Interview Questions