Convert string object to primitive Integer Type
How can i convert a string object to a primitive Integer type???????Thanks
SetEx setEx1 = new SetEx("Java");
String str1 = new String("Java");
String str2 = new String("Java");
System.out.println("No Of elements in the Set is " + s.size());
What is the result and how?">Import java.util.*;public class SetEx { private String str; SetEx(String s) { str = s } public static void main(String[] ar) { Set s = new HashSet(); SetEx setEx = new SetEx("Java"); SetEx setEx1 = new SetEx("Java"); String str1 = new String("Java"); String str2 = new String("Java"); s.add(setEx); s.add(setEx1); s.add(str1); s.add(str2); System.out.println("No Of elements in the Set is " + s.size()); }What is the result and how?
What is the difference between instance,object,refference,class.
Give the answer
Implement Interface using Polymorphism
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Access Specifier
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Read Number Methods
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Null keyword
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