What is the difference between an object and an instance? And give me a real time example to differentiate these two?

Questions by Beena   answers by Beena

Showing Answers 1 - 15 of 15 Answers


  • Sep 18th, 2005

the  key  diff between  an  object and  an instance  is  that  in  real  time  synanyo is  that--------i  think  u  know  about  "blueprint" (plans)  which  is  used for  house construction.think    this  as  an a "instance"  and  implementation of   this  plan  is  nothing  but  "object"  ok  bye

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S.Naveen Kumar

  • Oct 26th, 2005

An Object May not have a class defination eg int a[] where a is an array

An Instance Should have a class defination

eg  MyClass my=new MyClass();

my is an instance


  • Feb 18th, 2007

consider a class A . When you do  " new A() " , you have created an object since it has actual memory allocated in the heap.

A a = new A(); , here 'a' is an instance of the object that was created using "new A()"

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Rajesh G

  • Aug 3rd, 2007

Object : Memory allocated by the JVM in Heap is nothing but an object.

Instance: If that memory is assigned to a class definition then it is called an Instance.

Rajesh G


  • Mar 6th, 2008

both are same the best example is if fruit is a class then its following the class rule if fruit is a class then mango is the one of object  instanc and object are same jst both are same  only name is different

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object and instance both mean same in java world.

probably you wanted to ask whats the diff between  class and instance.

if thats the case

classes dont  exist , its the instances that exist in memory.

vehicle is a class , honda city is an instance.

when you try to instantiate , JVM takes class(blue print) and creates instance according to it on Heap.

An object is part of a process/thread which demands processor time through the JVM.

The act of creating the object from a class is called instantiation.

In literary sense an instance is existance/occurrence of an object.

In this case a duplicate copy(instance) of an object is still the same object.

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  • Aug 15th, 2009

object and instance both are same
I think you want know the difference between reference and object.
If so then
reference of any class type is a variable that can hold the reference(more or less we can say address) of that class's object. For example
String str;
here str is a reference variable of the String class's object means it can hold reference of the String class.
str = new String("Ram");
Now here new creates the instance(object) of the String and returns its reference to the str.

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