How i can validate the user, Is there any java api is there for that. Or i can use my one business logic. If both are possible, Then which one is the best way for real time.

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venkatram reddy

  • Oct 26th, 2005

In think there is no direct mechanism to provide validatations. If you are talking about the Swing/AWT the validations there is no API as of my knowlege.

But when u talk about web based applcations most of the validations are done with the JavaScript client side.

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  • Nov 8th, 2005

Our own business logic is the best solution because it is more efficient than the Api is common for all,so it may not efficient for all but ur logic is best for ur project.


  • Aug 19th, 2009

If you are talking about the web application and you are preparing it using JSP and Servlet then you have to write your own bussiness logic to validate the user information. For server side validation you have to use java and for client side validation you have to use javascript.

But if you are preparing your application using struts framework then you can use inbuilt server side validations provided by struts.

For standalone application you have to prepare validation code yourself.

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