What is the difference between instance,object,refference,class.

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  • Oct 18th, 2005

Class       It is a logical construct . it is a logic abc.class in hard disk

              object when this class is in RAM

Instance    The values of data member at any given time of any


Object       The run time entity of the class

Reference   The memory location we use to refer the object 


Satya Dev

  • Nov 8th, 2005

Hello Friend,

A class is known as user defined referencive data type cause:


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  • Dec 25th, 2005

Class : A class is a user defined data type with set of data members & member functions

Object : An Object is an instance of a class

Reference : A reference is just like a pointer pointing to an object

Instance :This represents the values of data members of a class at  a particular time


  • Aug 19th, 2009

Class : A class is category of the object (any real entity) and acts as blueprint to create such object.

For example if you want to
develop an application for any company then its employee will be your object and all the properties of the employee like name, contact number, address, salary and code to calculate salary etc will make a class. Now this blueprint (class) will be used to create object which will represent an unique employee of the firm.

Now since the class defines properties and behaviours of the object so it a logical entity.

Object and instance both are same when you creating an object or instance of the class means you are now giving real values to the defined properties in the class.

: when you create an object it means values are stored in the memory at any location this location more or less reference to the object.

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