Reset User Password
How do you reset the users password give the steps it took to get you to the user account.
What is APIPA stand for?
what does APIPA stand for and how can you tell if your computer is using it? why would your computer be using it?
Network Logon Failures
A user calls you they cant login in said they have tried several times what is the best way to troubleshoot this.
Unable to view deleted files in recycle bin (winXP)
I deleted my files, but i didn't see that files in my recycle bin.pls anybody help me...
Remote Connection
If you have client in a different location and want to access that client from server, What is the best way to access that client from server?
Network Printer and Shared Printer
What is the difference between Network Printer and Shared Printer
Desktop Icons
How to make the desktop icons smaller or lager?
Add a User to Network
Explain how will you add a user to network?
Backup of computer
How to take the backup of computer? After taking backing is there d and f drive programs also recovered?
Enable USB Ports
I have disabled all usb ports on my stationary computer, my mouse and keyboard don't work... how do I enable it back? please help...
I cannot press F2 to get into BIOS, nothing works... keyboard or mouse... -
How to recover if system continuosly restarts
If the computer restarts continuously while booting before the appearence of login screen, What could be the cause, What are the different methods of solving this problem?
Connecting Computers within the LAN without DNS
Without DNS can a computer connect to the other computer within the LAN? If we cannot connect, What is the reason?
DHCP Works
How does DHCP work?
Desktop Support Interview Questions