OLAP & MOLAP Operations
What are the various OLAP & MOLAP operations?
Use of Unused port in Join component.
What is the use of the unused port in the join component? We have reject port. Difference between the reject port & unused port?
Hyperion OCE
How to Create a OCE (Open Catalog Extension) in Hyperion?
Informatica triggering
In informatica v 8.6
One workflow triggers another workflow.
How where do we put a distinct clause so that the duplicates are not reflected in the report formed by the second WF. first Wf does a partial load -
SCD types
What are the types of slowly changingdimension ?Can you explain please types of slowly changingdimension in detail ?
Database and Data Warehouse
What is the relationship between company database and its data warehaouse?
Data Mining Advantages
What are the advantages of Data Mining over traditional approaches>
Relational and Dimensional Data Modeling
How can you say Relational is Normalized one and Data Warehouse i.e Dimensional modeling is De-Normalized one when both model follows the Primary Key Concept in its table to store Data
Surrogate Key
Why do we use Surrogate Key?
Pass Records in Flat File
How to pass first, Middle and last record in flat file to flat file?
Hyperion Essbase Dimension and Hierarchy
What difference between dimension and hierarchy>What is mean by maxl?difference between esscmd and maxl?If we are using only dense dimension in outline what will be effect of cube structure?
Replicate vs Broadcast
What is the difference between replicate and broadcast ?
Data Warehousing Interview Questions
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