Please provide me with interview questions for data quality analyst ?

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  • Nov 11th, 2007

Interview questions for Data Quality Analyst are as follows:
1. How can you say there are no duplicate records in Data warehouse?
2. Whether the ETL job accepts known accept records?
3. What are the Data Quality Tools? e.g. BO Data Quality, First Logic..etc

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  • Sep 18th, 2011

Here are some questions... (I am assuming that you are asking about Informatica data quality)
1. What are the most used transformations in IDQ?
2. What is address doctor?
3. Can we export an object from IDQ tool to Powercenter tool. if yes then how ?
4. What is a reference table?
5. In IDQ, is it possible to create user defined reference tables? In what circumstances can they be required?
6. What is a parser transformation?

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