1) Differences between DSS and OLTP.2) Explain Grouped cross tab.3) Define Surrogate key.4) What is IQD file.5) Expalin Reference cursor.

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surrogate key: interger value randomly assigned to know rows in a table.

olap : here data is stored for analysis or some comparison for the development of business or to know where they stand. here there may be many historical data since its main objective wud b to compare data for deriving some bi.

oltp:these are transaction data for periodiacally running business. these datas are updated everytime and they dont store historical data.

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  • Jan 17th, 2007

DSS : Decision Support Systems :

In general, we can say that a DSS is a computerized system for helping make decisions. A decision is a choice between alternatives based on estimates of the values of those alternatives. Supporting a decision means helping people working alone or in a group gather intelligence, generate alternatives and make choices. Supporting the choice making process involves supporting the estimation, the evaluation and/or the comparison of alternatives. In practice, references to DSS are usually references to computer applications that perform such a supporting role

Online Transaction Processing : OLTP also refers to computer processing in which the computer responds immediately to user requests. An automatic teller machine for a bank is an example of transaction processing.

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DSS (Decission support system) which helps to take decission for the top executive people. It generally based on historical dataOLTP (Online trasnaction processing) system is the the system where day to day transaction are taking into consideration. It is based on current data.



  • Apr 2nd, 2012

1). Store historical data of an organization
2). Data is used for BI/ business strategic decision

1). Real time transactional data
2). Data is used to have track of transaction details.

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  • Nov 5th, 2012

3.Surrogate key is a sequencer which is used to uniquely identify a row in a OLAP. This helps in implementing SCD Type 2 in data warehousing.

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