What is the main difference between star and snowflake star schema? Which one is better and why?

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prasanna kumar

  • Jan 29th, 2007

It depends on the client requirement, Star schema is higly denormalized and so require large menory space but since it needs less joins its performance will be better and in snow flake its viz versa.. so if a client need high performance he can use star schema , if memory area is more concern he can go for snow flake

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  • Feb 5th, 2007

If u have one to may relation ship in the data then only we choose snowflake schema.As per the performance-wise every-one go for the Starschema.Moreover if the ETL is concenred with reporting means choose for snowflake bcz this schema provides more browising capability than the former schema.

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  • Feb 10th, 2007

Star Schema does not provide any means of normalization but Snow Flak Schema do provide the normalization. It is good to use the table with normalization so its good to use snow flak rather than star schema

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  • Mar 18th, 2008

Star Schema:
1. Dimension tables directly connected to Fact Table
2. Contain de-normalized data
3. Data modifications are very easily
4. Highest
5. Best performance

Snowflake Schema:
1.Hirarchy of dimension tables are connected to Fact Table
2. Contain partially
normalized data
3. Data modifications are not easily
4. Compared with
Star Schema, Snowflake Schema is complex.
5. Slow Performance

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geetu rani

  • Mar 27th, 2008

STAR SCHEMA HAS fact table linked with dimension table directly
while in snow flake schema the dimension tables can have futher hierarchies between them .it means in snow flake schema the tables are normalised.
one shoula use star schema simply it is easy to manage tables here because of less no. of tables.

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  • May 25th, 2010

Star Schema:
1. Dimension tables directly connected to Fact Table
2. Contain de-normalized data
3. Data modifications are very easily
4. Highest flexibility
5. Best performance
6. Takes more memory space than Snowflake.

Snowflake Schema:
1. Hirarchy of dimension tables are connected to Fact Table
2. Contain partially normalized data
3. Data modifications are not easily
4. Compared with Star Schema Snowflake Schema is complex.
5. Slow Performance
6. Takes less memory space than Snowflake.

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