SCD types

What are the types of slowly changing
dimension ?Can you explain please types of slowly changing
dimension in detail ?

Questions by wadate   answers by wadate

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers


  • Sep 10th, 2011

scd's are three types
scd1----no history
/------scd2.1----version mechanism
/------scd2.1----date mechanism
/------scd2.3----status mechanism

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sravanthi k

  • Mar 28th, 2012

There are 3 types of slowly changing dimensions
Out of which type1 will not retain any history and its a direct update of the changed record
whereas type2 retains the history of the same and Type3 retains the latest history of the record

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SCD are of following types:
type 1 - updates changes without preserving history
type 2 - stores history data by maintaining versions of the updated data
type 3 - either stores current and previous version of the data OR current and original version of the data
type 4 - stores history data by maintaining a separate history table
type 6 (type 2 + type 3) - stores history data by maintaining a flag which indicates if it is an active record or a history record AND separate date fields are maintained to recognize history data

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  • Aug 29th, 2012

Slowly changing dimensions are 3 types. In scd-1 new data is inserted by deleting old one. so latest information is stored.
In scd-2 we can maintain history of data for a particular item. new data is existed as a new row with previous data.
In scd-3 we can add one column to previous information, and it maintains latest information and just its previous value. not complete history.

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