Source Qualifier in Informatica
What is the Technical reason for having Source Qualifier in Informatica? Can a mapping be implemented without it? (Please don't mention the functionality of SQ) but the main reason why a mapping can't do without it...
Work Flow manger error 'cannot connect to the server'
When i was running workflow manager i.e, when i right click the task icon and clicking start workflow from task, i am getting a message like 'cannot connect to the server'. Can any body guide me, how to get the output.Thanks
How to load data based on even and odd record numbers
In Source 1 to 100 numbers? How can we load the even number in One target and odd number in another target?explain the mapping?How can we draw and winch transformations we are using?and explain logic?
SAP R/3 Data Extraction
How to extract data from SAP R/3 system to a DWH?
Target Data Loading
How & Where will you can see data loading in targets dynamically?
Retrieve only Distinct Record from 'flatfile' Source
How to retrieve only distinct record from 'flatfile' source, without using sorter transformation? Is it posible? How?
Importing data through fixed-width wizard
When importing data through fixed-width wizard, how will u distinguish between different columns if the file is of multiple lines terminated by a n character.
Individual Sequence Numbers
How to create individual sequence numbers for each department wise?
Union Transformation
Why Union Transformation is active while it passes all the rows through it.
ETL Tool Complete Process in Informatica
What is the complete process in Informatica power center client tool? Explain using ETL tool
Session variables - what are they exactly
What are session variables and session parameters. Are the mapping variables and mapping parameters one and the same. I think it is not .
UNIX commands in informatica
What is the purpose of using UNIX commands in informatica?Which UNIX commands are generally used with informatica?
Transaction Control
Explain Why it is bad practice to place a Transaction Control transformation upstream from a SQL transformation?
Informatica Interview Questions