What are Target Options on the Servers?
Target Options for File Target type are FTP File, Loader and MQ.
There are no target options for ERP target type
Target Options for Relational are Insert, Update (as Update), Update (as Insert), Update (else Insert), Delete, and Truncate Table. -
Normalizer transformation
How do we normalize data which is in .txt comma seperated by using Normalizer transformation and storing the data in a Dimentional table?
Session Performance
How would you improve session performance?
What is meant by transformation error
I want to fail the session if the SAL=5000. How can we do it?
Find Special Character in Flat File
How to find whether special character is present in flat file's data using Informatica as a ETL tool
What are the challenges you have faced in your Project (DWH-ETL)? Explain with example?
Please give suggession. This question was asked by employer recently. Thanks in advance.
Informatica objects File Format
What is the file extension and format of the files for the Informatica objects like Mappings, sessions etc in the repository ?
Look override
Explain the suppress comment in lookup override?
How does normalizer works
Can some one tell how normalizer works with an example? Please
Power Exchange
What is Power Exchange?
What is the difference between Informatica server, Repository Server and Power center Server ?
Can any one explain clearly the difference between Informatica server, Repository Server, Power center Server ?
Fact Table - Grain Facts
What are Grain Facts?
How do you join the table if there is no relation ship
question was asked from accenture and Wipro.
Informatica Interview Questions