What r the unsupported repository objects for a mapplet?
COBOL source definition Joiner transformations Normalizer transformations Non reusable sequence generator transformations. Pre or post session stored procedures Target defintions Power mart 3.5 style Look Up functions XML source definitions IBM MQ source defintions
What r the connected or unconnected transforamations?
An unconnected transforamtion is not connected to other transformations in the mapping.Connected transforamation is connected to other transforamtions in the mapping.
Main data object in between Source and Target
What is the main data object present in between Source and Target.
Updating Target Table
How can we update the target table without using update strategy?
Target Override
What is a target override table ?
Session Status
How can we know the session status without workflow monitor?
How do you identify existing rows of data in the target table using lookup transformation
Can identify existing rows of data using unconnected lookup transformation.
Unconnected Lookup
In which situation do we use unconnected lookup?
Informatica Interview Questions