Unconnected Lookup

In which situation do we use unconnected lookup?

Questions by saravanan.eswaran

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers


  • May 20th, 2009

1. When the return value is one, then go for unconnected.
2. Most important one is you want return value in some conditions/cases, then go for Unconnected to increase the performance of job.
For eg: you have 1 Million records and you want to have some return value for only half million based on some condition, if commission < 100 then we want return value.  This kind of cases will go for this.

Unconnected lookup should be used when we need to call same lookup multiple times in one mapping. For example, in a parent child relationship you need to pass mutiple child id's to get respective parent id's.

One can argue that this can be achieved by creating resusable lookup as well. Thats true, but reusable components are created when the need is across mappings and not one mapping. Also, if we use connected lookup multiple times in a mapping, by default the cache would be persistent.


  • Jul 16th, 2009

You can use the unconnected lookup, when you need to call the same lookup multiple times in one mapping.

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Unconnected lookup is used to call the same lookup with different values to get output as single value in the same mapping. Generally unconnected lookup we can call from expression transformation.

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  • Nov 10th, 2009

The advantage of using an Unconnected Lookup is that the Lookup will be executed only when a certain condition is met and therefore improve the performance of your mapping. If the majority of your records will meet the condition, then an unconnected lookup would not be an advantage. An example would be, if I need to populate or update a value only for Customers living in California. I would execute my lookup only when State = 'CA'.

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Unconnected Lookup is used when lookup is not used in every reecord. Lookup data is called at the point in mapping that needs it.  It can be used in any transformation that support expression. Use look function within conditional statement, If condition is satisfied then lookup function is called.


- when we need to call same lookup multiple times in one mapping.

For example in a parent child relationship you need to pass multiple child id's to get respective parent id's

- when most of the records doesn't need a look up for a example to have a look up only when a condition is satisfied

- uses static cache so improves performance.

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