Could any one please tell me how informatica behaves in the following situation?(Let me explain you with example: I have following expression in a mapping I would display either FAIL or PASS status to a record.RESULT=IIF((A > (100 - B))OR(C > (100 - D))OR(E0) , 'FAIL', IIF(STATUS_I = 'FAIL', 'FAIL', 'PASS'))Where the following variables are decimalsA (Decimal(9,2)) = 2.0179896789716073791692725900792e-5B(Decimal(9,2)) = 99C(Decimal(9,2)) = 50D(Decimal(9,2))= 99E(Decimal(9,2))= 0F(Decimal(9,2))=2681.75Problem is that system is showing FAIL but expected to be PASS.How the systems behaves with exponent values?1) would informatica drops the exponent and takes 2 as 'A'2) takes exponent (A) as is (0.00%)

Questions by N SRIRAM K   answers by N SRIRAM K

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Apr 12th, 2010

I think you have to use below expression

IIF ( (A > (100 - B)),'FAIL',
  IIF( (C > (100 - D)),'FAIL',
   IIF((E<= F AND F>0), 'FAIL',
    IIF(STATUS_I = 'FAIL', 'FAIL', 'PASS'))))


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