DB Lookup
How do you use DB Lookup?
Broadcast Vs Replicate
What is the functional difference between Replicate and Broadcast component?
Size of the file
Which component will be used to reduce the size of the file?
Graph Deployment
Explain the deployment of graph, with start and end script?
Wrapper Scripts
What are Wrapper scripts? What does it contain?
SCD Types
How do we use SCD Types in the Abinitio graphs?
Compilation Errors
What are the compilation errors you came across while executing your graphs?
Range Lookup
What is Range Lookup?
Convert 4 way mfs to 8 way mfs
How to convert 4 way to 8 way mfs files without throw down of data in the file?
Production support for Ab Initio Graph
How do you do production support for Graph? How do you check whether graph is completed successfully or not (is it $? of unix?)What are different return values?
Count Number of Records in Flat File
How can we count a number of records in a flat file using Abinitio?
Force_Error with Condition
How to pass force_error with condition?
Abinitio Interview Questions