How to achieve the below scenario in abinitio
Input file has below contents:
Ball Run
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
1 0
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 0
Required Output :
1 6
2 5
3 5 -
Why go for sort within groups?
We have sort and sort within groups components. we can achieve the sort within group functionality by placing two keys in sort group. Then why we have to go for sort within groups?
Abinitio EME
In my sandbox i am having 10 graphs, i checked-in those graphs into EME. Again i checked-out the graph and i do the modifications, i found out the modifications was wrong. what i have to do if i want to get the original graph..?
Output for sort and dedup sort with null key
I have file containing 5 unique rows and I am passing them through SORT component using null key and and passing output of SORT to Dedup sort. What will happen, what will be the output.
Fetch Next Record Data
How can we fetch next record data for a particular field in ab initio?
id sal
101 500
102 800
103 900
105 200
id sal Pre_sal
101 500 0
102 800 500
103 900 800
105 200 900 -
Rollup Component as Scan Component
How to use rollup Component as Scan Component? On what condition Rollup component can be used as SCAN?
Record to Column
I have a record like below:
Output should be:
Please suggest how can I achieve this. -
Interpretation and its use
What is Interpretation in Abinitio? What are types of interpretations available and its uses? Where do we use each interpretation?
Delete a Record from Multifile
How to delete a record from a multifile?
Not Selecting Lookups Record
I have data like below.
source file:
EmpID sal
A 1000
B 2000
C 3000
D 4000
Lookup File
Output File
C 3000
D 4000
I want empId, sal of employees those not present in lookup file -
Cummulative summary in AB Initio
How can I achieve cummulative sumary in AB Initio other than using SCAN component. Is there any inbuilt function available for that?
Generate Sequence Number in a Multifile.
How to generate sequence number in a multifile using next_in_sequence().
Wrapper Scripts
What are Wrapper scripts? What does it contain?
Production support for Ab Initio Graph
How do you do production support for Graph? How do you check whether graph is completed successfully or not (is it $? of unix?)What are different return values?
Append Records
How do we append records to an already existing file usin abinitio graph?
Abinitio Interview Questions