What is Ab local?

Questions by Geek2002

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Oct 27th, 2010

The use of ABLOCAL() construct is in Some complex SQL statements contain
grammar that is not recognized by the Ab Initio parser. When data is unloading
in parallel.  Then ABLOCAL() construct in this case to prevent the Input
Table component from parsing the SQL. It also specifies which table to use for
the parallel clause.

When ABLOCAL() with no argument, ABLOCAL is replaced by the contents of

ablocal_expr is a parameter of input table component of Ab Initio. ABLOCAL()
is replaced by the contents of ablocal_expr. Which we can make use in parallel


In most cases you are unloading enough data to require a parallel unload. Adding the ABLOCAL(tablename) clause to your SQL statement prevents the Input Table component from parsing the SQL and specifies which table to use for the parallel clause. The tablename in the ABLOCAL clause tells the Input Table which table to use when determining the parallelism.

So the query shown above:

SELECT a.cust_id FROM customer_info a WHERE a.cust_type=1 AND a.account_open_date<(SYSDATE-30);would be changed to:

SELECT a.cust_id FROM customer_info a WHERE (ABLOCAL(customer_info a)) AND a.cust_type=1 AND a.account_open_date <(SYSDATE-30);Note that when using an alias for a table (a, in the previous query), you must use the alias name as well as the table name in the ABLOCAL clause.

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