What is the difference between a DB config and a CFG file?

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  • Oct 2nd, 2005

A .dbc file has the information required for Ab Initio to connect to the database to extract or load tables or views. While .CFG file is the table configuration file created by db_config while using components like Load DB Table.


  • Jun 20th, 2006

Both DBC and CFG files are used for database connectivity, basically both are of similar use. The only difference is, cfg file is used for Informix Database, whereas dbc are used for other database such as Oracle or Sqlserver

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Sandeep Handa

  • Feb 22nd, 2007

.dbc files are used to connect to database systems like Oracle/Teradata/DB2 etc.
It has parameters like db_name, db_nodes, odbc_data_source_name.

Now .cfg files are entirely different. What if you want to connect to an external system not necessarily a database. Say you want to connect to a SAP system. For this you use a .cfg file.
It needs parameters like DEST, USERNAME, PASSWD, TYPE, etc.

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  • Sep 10th, 2007

We connect to database thru idb components ie abinitio to database for that we need some info ie .dbc what and where we have to provide. where as .cfg is where co-op language which is going to translate itself and communicates to the database.

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  • Oct 31st, 2007

.dbc file basically helps abinitio coops to connect to database. It includes all the required database parameter and other default value respective to it. you can modify them.
However .cfg is file is use set up some temporary environment for a particular job. for example while running job thru autosys u could have define .cfg file which will set env required for that job.

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.dbc file contains all the connectivity info which the user needs to connect to the database. dbc means database configuration file. It will contain the server name userid password type of db stuffs like that.

.cfg -- cfg means configuration file. It can be used to configure anything. for example u want to set a value of a variable n export it value just set the value in the .cfg file and run the cfg file in the start script.

.cfg resides in the config dir
.dbc resides in the db dir

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