Explain what is lookup?

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Ashim Dutta

  • Oct 20th, 2005

Lookup is basically a specific dataset which is keyed. This can be used to mapping values as per the data present in a particular file (serial/multi file). The dataset can be static as well dynamic ( in case the lookup file is being generated in previous phase and used as lookup file in current phase). Sometimes, hash-joins can be replaced by using reformat and lookup if one of the input to the join contains less number of records with slim record length.

AbInitio has built-in functions to retrieve values using the key for the lookup.

Lookup File consists of data records which can be held in main memory. Lookup is basically a specific dataset which is keyed. This makes the transform function to retrieve the records much faster than retirving from disk. It allows the transform component to process the data records of multiple files fastly.


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