Order of Graph Execution
What is the order of execution of a graph when it runs?
Parametrization of MFS
I want to use an Ab Initio parameter to control whether I am in serial or MFS mode. Basically, I will have an $AI_MFS_PARTS variable. If it is set to 1, then we are running serial. If it is set to 4, then we are running 4-way MFS. Will the data need to be located in physically different locations using different control files?
what is the function of XFR in abinitio
It would be great if one of you can explain me in brief what is the function of xfr (like what does it do ,where is it stored ,how does it affect ) as i am very confused on thisthank you
Sort within Group
What is the advantage of SORT within GROUP Clause?
Abinitio MFS
There is one MF while loading data i deleted one partition in a MF? Can it show error/it will process data?
Abinitio Environment Variables
What are environment variable? Why are they required?
Input Table component layout - Abinitio
My question is related to the INPUT TABLE component layout. If we select the layout to be DATABASE- (database default), where exactly is it pulling that layout from? When should this option be used? Within the DATABASE layout we also see the SERIAL ,TABLE and EXPLICIT args options, when do we use those? what are the advantages and disadvantages to this approach? Thanks
Ab_job Command
What is use of Ab_job command in Abinitio?
Abinitio Interview Questions