what is the function of XFR in abinitio

It would be great if one of you can explain me in brief what is the function of xfr (like what does it do ,where is it stored ,how does it affect ) as i am very confused on this

thank you

Questions by malhotraa08   answers by malhotraa08

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

As you know when you create a new sandbox in ab initio environment the following directories will be created
etc etc.

xfr is directory in abinitio where we can write our own function and use them during the tranformation(rollup , reformat etc..).

example you can write a function to convert a string into decimal or to get string max length  , I can write that function in a file called  user_define_function.xfr  in xfr directory   inside this file i can define a function called string_to_interger or get_string_max_length or both. In any transform component you can include the file liek
include "<full path>/user_define_function.xfr "

you can called the function like anyother function in ab initio.

hope it make sense.

The XFR usually stores the mappings in the text view. Usually these mappings are generalised. In the Transformation of any component these XFR's can be called and abi nitio will automatically do the specified mapping as stored in XFR. The main benefit of XFR is that you dont have to re write the code for mapping again and again also more that one component can use at the same time in their transform tab which saves time and labour.


  • Nov 14th, 2009

XFR is used for externalizing a transform/function. A function which needs to be reused at multiple places can be created as a common XFR instead of writing the same code again and again.

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