Input Table component layout - Abinitio

My question is related to the INPUT TABLE component layout. If we select the layout to be DATABASE- (database default), where exactly is it pulling that layout from? When should this option be used? Within the DATABASE layout we also see the SERIAL ,TABLE and EXPLICIT args options, when do we use those? what are the advantages and disadvantages to this approach? Thanks

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

mahendra patnaik

  • Feb 5th, 2007

Unless your database is partitioned, you'll see limited use for database-facing layouts. By using the "serial" option and setting the component's layout to a multifile, and using the ablocal expression in the SQL, you can cause Abi to initiate multiple parallel instances of the input table and get what you want. Keep in mind that you'll need high connection bandwidth between the machines, or you're wasting your time.Advantages and disadvantages are largely a function of your environment- these options are there to help face your system as you already have it or as you want it to be. Practically speaking - these options serve in the extraction process - which you will want to run at the highest speed. So do some testing and see which one runs fastest for you - and make it so.Regards,Mahendra

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